Example sentences of "[noun] i have been able " in BNC.

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1 In the general run of life in a river this may be very true , but many times I have been able to take barbel and chub from the same swim simply by altering the depth at which my bait is fishing .
2 In recent times I have been able to go down to the hostel , where my good friend Richard Megson gives me the opportunity to wash in lovely hot water .
3 During the previous six months I had been able to keep a more watchful eye on the whereabouts of the elusive Charlie , thanks to the help of a young officer Daphne had introduced me to who worked in the War Office .
4 And now I have to interrupt the first bit of pleasure I 've been able to take in I do n't know how long and put you all to right .
5 Before returning from England I had been able to recruit a very competent English journalist , F.W. Benton , who soon improved the quality of our English daily .
6 up to a point I have been able to illustrate this theme by drawing attention to contrasts which are likely to be familiar to all my readers , e.g. the difference in modern Western societies between monetary and non-monetary exchanges .
7 Sadly , the only conclusion I 've been able to arrive at since Mr Lamont did his bit , is that the sooner I become a recluse with a string of racehorses the better and that ca n't be right .
8 It 's the first time in years I 've been able to uncoil a little with Ali .
9 Over the years I have been able to spend many hours with individual singers .
10 ‘ I am really pleased that over the last three years I have been able to show that part-time working can work without any difficulty .
11 Generally my fish are too healthy to require treatment , but in the last few years I have been able to buy fish as they arrive in the country ( usually via the large fish shows . )
12 One afternoon we had been taken for a walk up to the top of the mountain behind the camp , which had been good exercise ; from the top I had been able to see the sea .
13 One or two of these names I have been able to trace such as that used in the Miller family of Upper Halling .
14 This is what they wanted and I undertook to do it and I tell you , all me life I 've been able to and have done that .
15 It 's the first time in all my life I 've been able to see the back of my nails from the palms of my hands . ’
16 But before I take the first step out of here , I think I 'll feel pretty good about the knowledge and inquisitive spirit I 've been able to share and the doors I 've helped open .
17 Good start and I 've found by adopting this approach I 've been able to erm help clients in many areas which has saved them tax or making their money work harder for them .
18 I have studied various maps of the county and a number of documents without being able to pin-point the location of this manor , but will try to place it by the clues I have been able to deduce .
19 Success in this field is going to become even more important as we move into the 1990s and beyond and I hope that in this book I 've been able to give you the benefit of my experience , to pass on the kind of backstage know-how that can make that vital difference between winning and losing .
20 Since completing this book I have been able to obtain a cutting of rue and test its effect on my own cat .
21 Over New Year I had been able to escape a constant anxiety that time was running out .
22 I suppose the appeal to me has been making things happen and changing things and feeling quite British about it and proud of what in my very small way I have been able to do in this country and being able to export that abroad and make it a success there .
23 The assumption behind this critical selectiveness is confirmed by the one exception I have been able to find , in a brief , perverse and witty account of the English novel composed by Ford Madox Ford for American students .
24 My previous relationships have all been with women I 've been able to like and respect at the same time as I 've desired them . ’
25 In the meantime I 've been able to complete the document and have pleasure in enclosing copy for your interest .
26 On various occasions I have been able to exploit pupils ' own interests for mathematical ends , however transient the interest might have seemed .
27 But that in no way affected my admiration for what Winston had done , and I am pleased to think that on one or two occasions I have been able to render him some modest service in the way of a reward for this particular display of public courage .
28 It was the first time I had been able to attend a pub meet at this particular hostelry , and I thought it was very nice , full of young people without being a noisy ‘ fun pub ’ .
29 Second time I 've been able to smell that .
30 Many is the time I have been able at my grandmother 's table to lick my fingers after eating a cream coronet upon a precedent established by good Queen Mary who had been observed doing such a thing by no less than my grandmother when visiting the big house .
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