Example sentences of "[noun] have [verb] responsibility for " in BNC.

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1 British Rail has accepted responsibility for the accident and will be starting its own internal inquiry tomorrow .
2 Accepted this indicates whether the Current holder has accepted responsibility for the SPR ( Y ) or not ( N ) .
3 The last user to whom an SPR is passed is regarded as its current holder whether or not this user has accepted responsibility for it .
4 Current holder the LIFESPAN user name of the person to whom the SPR was most recently passed , whether that user has accepted responsibility for it or not .
5 The Notts & Derbyshire branch has taken responsibility for publishing the region 's CPD Newsletter .
6 A large number of problems has been encountered , one of the most surprising being the fact that no UK Government department had taken responsibility for enforcing the EEC controls on the sale of protected wildlife specimens .
7 Fields privately resented the way in which Branson had taken responsibility for the purchase of the first Virgin aircraft ; while Branson , for his part , grew increasingly alarmed at the way in which his new partner appeared to be running the rest of the company .
8 Ms Stacey said : ‘ It is a national pastime and the islanders have to take responsibility for the slaughter .
9 The UFF has claimed responsibility for the killing early today of father-of-six Michael Edwards , at his Finaghy home , while an IRA van bomb devastated the centre of Armagh .
10 Indeed , I understand that the Ping Tiao have claimed responsibility for the act . ’
11 Management have to take responsibility for over ninety five percent of the problems we get , whether they 're safety problems , quality problems or whatever problems .
12 The PKK had denied responsibility for a bomb which caused one death in Istanbul on Jan. 25 , claiming that it was carried out as a provocative act by a " counter-guerrilla " force .
13 No group had claimed responsibility for the kidnappings but a statement issued by the Palestinian Revolutionary Factions ( PRF , a group believed to have links with the radical Fatah Revolutionary Council or " Fatah rebels " ) on Aug. 7 claimed that Christen and Erriquez would be released within 24 hours .
14 No organisation has admitted responsibility for the killing .
15 Since the Clean Air Act of 1956 governments in the UK have taken responsibility for designating clean air zones in which certain types of pollution , notably the smoke caused by burning coal , are illegal .
16 Implementation of the Initiative University-wide lies with four groups : the Energy and Environment Group co-ordinates good institutional practice , including compliance with the relevant legislation ; the Environmental Teaching Group promotes teaching and curriculum development ; the Environmental Research Group promotes environmental research activity throughout the University ; and the Environmental Advisory Group , made up of the convenors of the other three groups and Senior Vice-Principal Barrie Wilson , to whom the Principal has delegated responsibility for the Initiative , oversees the entire project .
17 The corporation had assumed responsibility for the site in 1945 and had purchased the land in 1957 , although technically it was in the rural district area .
18 Offenders who are mentally disordered suffer the stigma of being labelled as both ‘ mad ’ and ‘ bad ’ , although for centuries it has been recognized that some people have diminished responsibility for their actions as a result of mental abnormality and that punishment and retribution , usually demanded by society of someone who has committed a crime , should be dispensed with in favour of providing humane care and treatment .
19 The signatories of the Charter have accepted responsibility for maintaining the good code of practice and also agree to disseminate the document through their organisations , encouraging their managers to actively participate .
20 The federal government has assumed responsibility for Columbia 's debts after the company went bankrupt , and California is now negotiating to pay off some of the monies owed by Maxxam in return for taking over the forest .
21 Italy has refused responsibility for the waste and Turkey " has no wish to jeopardise its relations with a country which could help it to enter the European Community " .
22 Society has accepted responsibility for seeing that their needs are met in a piecemeal fashion , tackling the most obvious needs first — those for financial provision , medical care and residential accommodation .
23 The Irish National Liberation Army has claimed responsibility for the shooting .
24 Since 1976 , the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe has assumed responsibility for the monitoring programme in Western Europe and subsequently extended this to Eastern Europe .
25 Local authorities had a duty to assess those judged to be ‘ at risk ’ or ‘ vulnerable ’ and the state had to take responsibility for the supervision of care .
26 Prior to this appointment , Graeme Dunlop had undertaken responsibility for P&O European Ferries ( Dover ) Ltd within his role as Managing Director of P&O European Ferries Ltd .
27 The UVF and UFF have claimed responsibility for two murders each .
28 The MPs said the bank had to accept responsibility for its failure as BCCI 's supervisor , which had been demonstrated so clearly in the report by Sir Thomas Bingham , a High Court judge .
29 A number have had responsibility for the operation of parts of the system of criminal justice , including former Home Office Ministers , retired senior civil servants and police officers , and chairmen of the Parole Board .
30 Both groups had claimed responsibility for an assassination attempt on Antonio Rios , former president of the Confederation of Workers of Venezuela ( CTV ) and a leading member of the ruling Democratic Action ( AD ) party , who had recently resigned from his post to face trial on charges of influence peddling .
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