Example sentences of "[noun] have [adv] far [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Hitachi was one of six Japanese companies invited to invest in Kaleida ( CI No 1,931 ) , and of the other five , only Toshiba Corp has so far stuck its head above the parapet with an agreement with Apple to license Kaleida technology and use it in jointly developed products ; others invited to join were Matsushita Electric Industrial Co , Sharp Corp , Sony Corp and NEC Corp .
2 Ludwig is also the Emperor 's bodyguard and his mere presence has so far proven enough to discourage any attempts on the Emperor 's life .
3 All the same , the insurer has so far agreed to pay £8 million in compensation to investors , a significant pile of money even for a major company , and a nasty hit to take for one slip in its monitoring system .
4 West Germany has so far denied , although with a detectable degree of ambiguity , that any deal was made , preferring to point to the humanitarian reasons for allowing an evacuation of the embassy , and the pressure supposedly exerted on East Germany by the Soviet Union to bring the occupation to a speedy end .
5 The Left Coalition has so far ruled out linking up with the conservatives again — the improbable alliance of last June has been blamed for much of their drop in support — but has already hinted that it would be willing to support a national unity government as proposed by the New Democrat leader Mr Constantine Mitsotakis .
6 The Advanced Courses Development Programme has so far involved two phases of pilot courses , each phase having represented a stage in the progression from the current Advanced Courses system to a system based on the principles in the Policy Paper .
7 They can calculate all too clearly that the average value of sterling has fallen 17.5 per cent , ( and over 25 per cent against the dollar ) since September , and the price of fuel and raw materials for industry has so far risen by just over 10 per cent , while retail prices have actually fallen .
8 But a bungled , unlawful business deal has so far cost them £5.3m and led to the sacking of all the BRDC 's 12 directors .
9 An appeal fund set up after the tragedy has so far raised £149,664 in memory of James .
10 Mrs Lamport has so far had 26 rejection slips for her book .
11 This chapter has so far focused mainly upon south Korea and on the American-Soviet deliberations upon producing a unified administration .
12 FIERCE competition between building societies and National Savings has so far spared savers even sharper cuts in interest as the base rate falls .
13 Although this review has so far concentrated on those findings which reveal most clearly opposite visual hemifield superiorities for verbal and non-verbal ( especially visuo-spatial ) stimuli it is impossible for one familiar with work in this field not to be struck by the lability of the laterality effects reported ( Cohen , 1982 ) .
14 The pattern of ultrasonics at Rollright has so far remained elusive .
15 UI , an $11m affair , wants to retain its input into X/Open , but unless it can come to an arrangement over some other form of membership which OSF has so far failed to secure , it is likely to turn in its cards at the end of the year .
16 The Syrian Information Minister , Mr Mohammed Salman , said : ‘ The only reason Syria has so far discounted the military option to end Gen Aoun 's rebellion is its desire to avert huge losses among civilians in the eastern sector of Beirut .
17 The club has so far played two games and is undefeated .
18 Assad did not want the civil war to continue , for if Lebanon suffered any more wounds some of its blood might seep into Syria , through those narrow grey wadis in the anti-Lebanon mountain range and down into the plateau beyond , perhaps even infecting Damascus , whose carefully balanced but Alawite-controlled metabolism had so far remained untouched by the epidemic on the other side of the border .
19 For Marx , the growth of industry promised wealth and abundance for all , but because industry had so far developed in a capitalistic way , the new-found wealth was monopolised by one class , while the mass of the working people were made poorer , not richer , by the advances in production .
20 After ballots of parents , 215 schools have so far opted out : but another 2,000 are known to be keen to do so , given that grant-maintained status offers them money and freedom .
21 Only the chemicals and pharmaceutical industry have so far shown any signs of responding to the competitive advantage created by the devaluation of sterling last September .
22 And pleas from his predecessor for 50 more officers to fight crime have so far gone unanswered by the Home Office .
23 It should be noted that the largest threat to totalizing control of schools in Ireland has so far come from the integrated schooling movement .
24 Disappointingly , the committee has so far felt able to recommend only a tiny step towards establishing acceptable levels of medical staffing in the NHS .
25 A further 210 families have made appointments and a special helpline set up to deal with inquiries from worried parents has so far received 137 calls .
26 Dainty 's work has so far concentrated on using the technique to grow silicon nitride on silicon , with the hope of a later move to III/V substrates .
27 Work has so far concentrated on the east end .
28 Little work has so far focused on plant pathogens , but it is likely that this will ultimately develop as another component of integrated pest-management strategies .
29 Although the Peace Tax Campaign has so far eschewed the use of extra-constitutional forms of dissent , confining itself for the most part to orthodox expressions of protest such as parliamentary lobbying and legal action in the courts , the failure of conventional forms of political protest to influence the prevailing defence strategy/taxation policy could have important implications regarding the future choice of tactics to be used .
30 This is more than a million million million times as long as the universe has so far existed .
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