Example sentences of "[noun] have been less [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However in practice the change has been less dramatic than it first appears , for two reasons .
2 In fact , experience so far suggests that MDC 's approach to urban regeneration has been less cavalier than LDDC 's , reflecting its concern to minimise the social costs of development to its residents and to avoid projects likely to prejudice other areas of the city .
3 Such confrontation has been less frequent in the last ten years , probably because of the decline in popular support for extreme right-wing groups .
4 FROM the moment that Gary Mason announced his amiable presence at a gymnasium in London 's East End yesterday it was pleasingly evident that few fighters have been less inclined to flinch from the truth .
5 In other areas , the test has been less successful .
6 The KPMG barometer suggests that over the six years that fraud has been tracked , Scotland has been less affected than most regions , with total fraud in the overall period of £34.1 million or 2.1 per cent of the UK total reported .
7 In contrast MDC 's record on equity and accountability has been less controversial .
8 With hindsight , the second line of that hit song might has been less damaging and more prophetic .
9 As we have already seen , the law has been less ready to protect these interests from negligently inflicted harm than it has been to protect person and tangible property , but we are now concerned only with liability for intended harm .
10 To date the private sector has been less important as a source of provision .
11 And Amabel could not stop herself from thinking that this dreadful , dirty town must surely be to blame , that if Gemma had been less stubborn about remaining here , in this dark old manor , standing cheek-by-jowl with the brewery and the foundry and those hundreds and hundreds of unwashed , unlettered people who worked in them , then this tragedy would not have occurred .
12 But did the women really feel that their own work had been less important ?
13 There had been no horror particular to Toulouse to explain that extraordinary fear ; the battle had been less threatening than a half-dozen of the Spanish engagements , yet Sharpe had never forgotten the awful fear , nor his relief when peace had been declared .
14 If Wyvis Hall had been less isolated , less silent …
15 The action has played a strong part in industrial safety but attempts to introduce it into other areas have been less successful .
16 Dr Pertwee says there is no longer a stigma attached to cannabis research in the scientific world , although pharmaceutical companies have been less willing to be seen to be working with cannabis-like substances .
17 The discussions of RMI have been less public and less political but , within the health service , and in the professional groups , in particular , the reaction has been quite intense .
18 His economic failure has been less forgivable than Mr Traoré 's : Benin is more fertile and has a better-educated population than Mali .
19 Whilst the USSR has been less successful than she had hoped in restricting export volume , CMEA countries nonetheless find themselves obliged to purchase ever larger volumes of fuel from non-CMEA countries at market clearing prices .
20 The CNRS has been less successful in setting up an international company called Euroresearch .
21 Sometimes the advances have been less that brilliant , but the demand is there .
22 In practice the actions of governments have been less high-minded : a fact the opposition is always quick to point out .
23 In hydrology , definition of the pathways of movement through the hydrological cycle has necessarily provided an important focus in studies by physical geographers but in geomorphology the use of concepts based upon energy-balance concepts has been less striking .
24 I guess Colonel Goreng would rather his wife had been less unconventional .
25 Developments inside Palestinian society in the territories over the same decade had been less obvious but more significant .
26 If poor Mrs Cecil had been less lethargic , she might have wished to echo George Washington 's last words , addressed to his physician : ‘ I thank you for your attentions ; but I pray you take no more trouble about me .
27 But in the relatively short-run experience so far , women have not in fact left the work-force when conditions have been less favourable .
28 Similar decreases in heart disease mortality and stroke mortality have been observed in a variety of different countries ( Smith and Jacobson 1988 ) , although the decreases observed in the United Kingdom have been less dramatic than those recorded in some other countries .
29 Writers such as Carchedi , Wright and Poulantzas have been less concerned with culture or status and more concerned with objective economic relationships .
30 But the Pringle clan has been less ubiquitous , and I note with glee that another of that name has been picked for the South African World Cup squad .
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