Example sentences of "[noun] have gone down [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Biochemistry , I see Mrs Hayman 's cholesterol has gone down a bit — Lizzie 's chest X-ray — haematology , Betty 's haemoglobin 's not too good — oh , the Hazell family 's tissue-typing results — ’ She gazed at them shaking her head sadly .
2 And she was on his knee , and their arms were round each other , and though the sun had gone down the garden at that moment was glorious , full of a blaze of splendour that surrounded them like a halo .
3 His business has gone down a third .
4 Hughie said : ‘ You can say that shipbuilding in Whitby has gone down the sewer .
5 Petrol 's gone down a bit .
6 Yes it was sort of my library book 's gone down the back of my cupboard mummy !
7 She was blue when they carried her in , but it looks as though the stone has gone down the right way . ’
8 No I think , I thought we still had a chance , albeit you know the odds had gone down a bit or increased , but er no I thought we still had a chance , it was gon na be harder because if we lost any more by the wayside then you know you 're gon na be , it would 've been very awkward .
9 Surely it is the fact all the other counties have gone down the same road that has persuaded Yorkshire that , in order to compete on equal terms , they must follow suit .
10 ‘ Only one thing about that pool , ’ Hugh said , depositing Jacqueline wrapped in a damp towel like a warm parcel in his wife 's arms , ‘ the tide 's gone down a bit .
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