Example sentences of "[noun] have agree to a " in BNC.

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1 Edward had agreed to a time-limit before .
2 The Council has agreed to a request from British Rail for financial help for the scheme .
3 Janet stated that the Executive Committee had agreed to a membership fee of £1.50 but that the fee for O.A.P . 's and under 16s would be 50p .
4 The Easter Rising in Dublin and the government 's abortive plan to rush through a Home Rule settlement caused an even greater furore ; this time Bonar Law had to agree to a meeting of the Central Council , but only alter the cabinet had dropped the Home Rule idea , and with a stipulation in advance that questions would be allowed but not resolutions .
5 It was the day after the council had agreed to a site meeting to discuss the scheme . ’
6 The space agencies of the United States , Russia , Europe , Japan , China and Brazil have agreed to a joint programme which will use both existing and new satellites to monitor changes in the global environment .
7 Second Division promotion contenders Rochdale Hornets and Featherstone Rovers have agreed to a swap deal between Hornets ' £90,000 transfer-listed centre , Darren Abram , and Rovers ' £100,000-rated prop , Leo Casey .
8 The price tag of almost £100m , and the fact that Fuji has agreed to a minority stake , has clearly also provided Mr Branson with reassurance — if he needed any — that taking Virgin private last year was the right thing to do .
9 On the issue of financial compensation for countries unable to sustain the economic costs of applying sanctions , it was reported on Aug. 22 that Jordan faced direct costs of $1,500 million and indirect costs of $500 million in 1990 , and that the UN had agreed to a special compensation package ( thought to amount to some $240 million ) .
10 Jilly Cooper had agreed to a revision of the promotional leaflet she featured in last year , and a mailing had gone out to every secondary and primary school in the UK .
11 If the allies had agreed to a peace settlement before starting a land war , Mr Hussein would have been left at the head of a country whose air force and army were still largely intact .
12 Jan. 21 Further reports on Radio Mogadishu that rebels have agreed to a truce , again denied by USC .
13 ANNEKA Rice and her husband have agreed to a trial separation after work pressure forced their marriage on to the rocks , her publicity agent said .
14 In Georgia , supporters loyal to the ousted President Gamsakhurdia and government troops have agreed to a ceasefire .
15 On February 29th , it will be recalled that Falkenhayn had agreed to a spreading of the offensive , to ‘ clear ’ the Left Bank , and had allocated some of his jealously guarded reserves for the purpose .
16 Representatives did approve an amendment under which the aid would be suspended once the MPLA-PT government had agreed to a cease-fire and to hold elections within two years , provided that the Soviet Union also ceased providing military aid to the MPLA-PT .
17 Intensive diplomatic negotiations between UN and Iraqi officials in New York on July 24 and 25 led finally to an announcement on July 26 confirming that the government had agreed to a compromise proposal by the UN , involving the appointment of a new team of " impartial " inspectors .
18 AFTER seeing your article ( Echo February 20 ) about the proposed Darlington cross-town route , I was surprised to see that councillors have agreed to a bridleway between Haughton Road and McMullen Road .
19 Gittens has agreed to a loan move and will deputise for suspended Alan Kernaghan at Ayresome Park .
20 It was subsequently reported that West Germany had agreed to a request by Shevardnadze for a DM 5,000 million government-guaranteed loan to the Soviet Foreign Trade Bank , with which to finance the Soviet balance of payments deficit .
21 Faced with the threat of losing its Parliamentary representatives the NAC had to agree to a plebiscite of the membership on the issue .
22 An Indian External Affairs Ministry official said on June 18 that India had agreed to a meeting of Indian and Pakistani foreign secretaries in the first half of July to discuss reducing tension on the border .
23 Bush said afterwards that the USA had agreed to a package of trade credits and food and medical assistance for the Soviet Union .
24 The decision to send a high-level Soviet military delegation to Washington , announced on May 7 , had reportedly been prompted by suggestions that the USA had agreed to a compromise formula permitting the Soviet Union to redefine its motorized forces as naval coastal units , provided that the overall number of Soviet forces was reduced to treaty levels .
25 My publishers I/O Press have agreed to a discount of 10% on the published price of £14.95 to anyone who mentions they are following my series in Practical PC .
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