Example sentences of "[noun] and [noun sg] plays a " in BNC.

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1 Traditionally the notion of ontological independence and self-sufficiency plays a key role in monistic arguments .
2 Although urban dwellers troop out to the countryside at the first available opportunity and nature plays a significant part in Japanese sentiment , the cultural and other attractions of the cities have a magnetizing effect in an era which has produced a strong emphasis on material rather than spiritual wealth .
3 ‘ Police officers may also be working in stressful conditions and stress plays a part in back pain , ’ she said .
4 The purpose of information is to enable people to make better decisions and accounting plays a major role in the vital area of decisions about finance and investment .
5 An alternative theory , still concerned with major transitions in relation to economic changes , is that which conceives the turning-point in social life as being the emergence and development of industrial society , in which the growth of modern science and technology plays a crucial role ( Aron , 1967 ) ; and a further extension of the theory , in more recent discussions of ‘ post-industrial ’ society , affirms even more strongly the overwhelming importance in the economy and society of the production of theoretical knowledge .
6 Director of Estates Mike Pilbeam comments ‘ I am very keen that Purchasing and Supply plays a full role in the development and implementation of the commercial strategy that we are pursuing generally in Estates where a key to success will be our relationship with our suppliers and our customers . ’
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