Example sentences of "[noun] and [verb] create a " in BNC.

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1 So let us take one of the two decision variables and try to create a possible argument which might give rise to the observed comparative static effects ; this argument is partly backed by some of the questionnaire responses .
2 However , the increasing commercialisation of the game cut across football 's working class origins and helped to create a situation in which football violence was common .
3 Now we may be baddies and decide to erect a battery-house for laying hens , or we may be goodies and decide to create a wilderness park for wildlife .
4 This is because both agencies are fighting for a larger share of the available budget and seek to create a good impression by producing the most frightening scenario .
5 Clarins understands the concerns associated with sun exposure and has created a tanning treatment range that reconciles tanning and beauty , the skin and the sun .
6 We do not understand that we have become the slaves of our desire and have created a net around ourselves , by our thoughts and actions .
7 Many church magazines attract a readership far wider than the congregation , so it is strategic that these be prepared as attractively as possible both in content and format to create a favourable response .
8 The network of family connections in Italy , though not in itself either a reason or motive for the policy which Napoleon III was to pursue in the peninsula , was nevertheless a help in that it did provide a useful information service and helped to create a feeling of sympathy for French policy .
9 As might be expected , the move has stirred up a hornet 's nest of academic fear and loathing against USL and has created a cadre of naive tech weenies ready to form a lynch mob .
10 They urge churches worldwide to stress the rights of every nation and begin to create a climate of opinion leading to the disentegration of existing states , establishing instead a different world order .
11 Barr stated that he accepted the recommendations in the report and had created a special unit in the Criminal Division of the Justice Department to pursue the matter .
12 The voluntary sector I believe must accept those developments whilst at the same time , demanding effective regulation and monitoring to create a managed community market .
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