Example sentences of "[noun] be suggested [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Guidelines are suggested for pain relief and should be tailored to the individual patient 's needs .
2 In the sciences it is a commonplace , not at first sight disturbing , that physics began by simulating Euclid 's demonstrations in geometry , and that the inverse square law of gravitation became the model for another in electro-magnetism , that ‘ waves ’ of sound or light are suggested by waves on water , and the genetic ‘ code ’ by language .
3 RE-DESIGNING RELIGION is suggested by Rev. Don Cupitt at 19.30 on FRIDAY 22nd MAY in St. William 's College .
4 The different class basis of Alliance and Labour is suggested by occupations of their candidates :
5 A very sensible scenario for primary schools is suggested by Adler and Bondi ( 1988 ) who propose the following division of responsibilities :
6 Brief scale segments are suggested in bar 2 ( first and second violins ) , but the harsh dissonances between these two parts creates such a degree of non-tonality that the scale effect is obscured .
7 The same kind of conclusion is suggested by Marslen-Wilson 's phoneme monitoring data .
8 A role for apical Na + / H + exchange in maintaining the acid microenvironment is suggested by observations that the microenvironment pH is increased by luminal perfusion with amiloride or with Na + free media , although other studies have failed to confirm these findings .
9 A two hundred acre site along Tinwell Road was suggested with plots of land in the centre of the town reserved for halls of residence .
10 Furthermore , when dates are suggested for changes in these forms , they are usually given , without comment , as the dates at which the changes took place in this standard variety or its unilinear precursor , and not the dates at which they might have taken place in some other variety .
11 In 19 cases rises in household bills of more than 30% were suggested by IPF figures , and here the swing to Labour was 3.1% compared to 3.7% in authorities where the average increases were less .
12 One way to move in that direction by identifying different underlying structures is suggested by de Alessi ( 1974 ) .
13 That they may have obtained some of their supplies of ivory from that quarter is suggested by finds of this material at the intermediate entrepot of Bahrain .
14 Eventually a title was suggested by Mailer , and it was agreed — the Village Voice .
15 The system uses a lot of line , and pulleys plus tough gloves are suggested for operation of the ‘ loop ’ .
16 If you are taking any vitamin tablets with coloured coatings , give these up — an uncoloured supplement is suggested on p 337 .
17 The importance of such figures in terms of their ability to carry the message of Marxism to working people is suggested by Neruda 's account of how , travelling the nitrate region of Chile as a senator in 1945 , ‘ at hundreds of meetings , all very far away from each other , I heard a constant plea : that I should read my poems .
18 This definition was suggested by McCallum ( 1977 , 1978 ) .
19 Take note , in examinations , of how boundaries are suggested in questions , such as " with reference to at least two works " , or " with reference to works by at least two authors " .
20 The following exercises are suggested by Reg Beech , a clinical psychologist , for coping with stress and tension .
21 The following themes were suggested for consideration by the speakers :
22 A resource centre is suggested for Whinney Banks , 400 homes in the Ayresome district would be modernised and 150 bedsits in the Crescent Road area would be upgraded .
23 The reason for the verbs of perception being construed with to in their conceptual sense is suggested by comments made by Cotte ( 1982b ) and Gramley ( 1987 ) .
24 The trend is suggested by biologists to indicate water stress due to the low humidity of the room .
25 The following measures are suggested for consideration .
26 But Mr Fitzwater refused to go into details on the various compromises being suggested to winkle Noriega from his refuge .
27 A plausible combination is suggested by Rees ( 1968 ) : link managerial rewards to the firm 's profit , but impose pricing rules to prevent prices being set monopolistically .
28 Indeed , in ‘ The Penitent ’ the same amount is suggested by Parthenissa as the whole profit to be expected from the poems [ see ML , 1 , 118 ] .
29 On the left are the alarm calls of four species of song bird species ; their similarity is suggested by comparison with the ordinary song of the four species , shown on the right .
30 A further relaxation of its previously rigid stand is suggested by Computer Reseller News , which hears that Apple is negotiating with other third parties — including Radius Inc and DayStar Digital Inc — to develop PowerPC versions of the Macintosh for specific niche markets .
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