Example sentences of "[noun] be sit at the " in BNC.

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1 Nellie was sitting at the bedside .
2 On Friday Madge Grimsilk was sitting at the back of the stalls again .
3 Rachel 's opportunity to speak to her parents came on Saturday morning after the community nurse had arrived and was tending to Jennifer in her room and she and her parents were sitting at the kitchen table .
4 Geoffrey and Anthony were sitting at the end of Penzance Gardens , where it met Princedale Road .
5 When the flat door opened , Rachaela was sitting at the table .
6 She walked into the kitchen and Phil was sitting at the table .
7 Tom was sitting at the table , glueing coloured paper chains together .
8 The teacher was sitting at the pastry table with several children .
9 When Schellenberg , vent into the small medical room , Eggar was sitting at the desk while the Legation 's doctor taped his right hand .
10 Lucy Lane was sitting at the desk , turning the pages of a loose-leaf manuscript file .
11 Subsequently the student 's study is devoted to Chemistry , on which written examinations are sat at the end of the third year .
12 The four police officers were sitting at the conference table in the Director 's office .
13 In Bosnia , Dr David Owen is sitting at the conference table with people who 've committed genocide every day .
14 By eight o'clock that evening Paige was sitting at the dressing-table in her luxurious hotel room busily putting the finishing touches to her make-up .
15 That same evening , after dark , Seb was sitting at the table in Fern Cottage , working by the light of a lamp .
16 One evening Atkins and his colleague were sitting at the factory exit .
17 Bush was sitting at the boss 's table and I sat down opposite .
18 Uncle Albert was sitting at the table , with a cup of tea , head buried in the newspaper .
19 Steve was sitting at the wheel .
20 One night Modi was sitting at the Rotonde with Rivera , Boris Savinkov , a revolutionary writer , and Max Voloshin , a poet .
21 Sergeant Hanafin was sitting at the table with Peg O'Malley .
22 Sonny was sitting at the table with his mother .
23 A rat was sitting at the top of the companion .
24 Charles was sitting at the back of the hall with Malcolm Harris , and kept feeling the author tense as another of his speeches was chopped up and destroyed .
25 Erm my mother , we were a little bit better off than they were and er I remember going to a child with my mother , to see what would be my aunt you see and uncle , and the only time I ever remember seeing my aunt with eleven children was sitting at the corner of a table with a sort of a coarse apron on and just sitting there and I never saw her doing anything .
26 Farrell was sitting at the table in the room , thumbing 9mm bullets into two magazines for the UZI .
27 A large bus was sitting at the curb , door open , engine throbbing .
28 Guy was sitting at the pool 's edge as she swam back to the shallow end .
29 Here it is seen on a private hire : Walter Luff is sitting at the back of the saloon .
30 The others were sitting at the table .
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