Example sentences of "[noun] the amount [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That en entailed employing men to get the coal , and er he was responsible for the wages , he was paid by contract the amount of coal that er he produced , his stall produced .
2 ‘ Even on the most ordinary of programmes the amount of work you do on sets as they come into the studio — preparing them , repairing them even , making them shootable — is quite involved .
3 The figures , emerging from studies by the US Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) and Harvard School of Public Health , may require the authorities to revise pollution standards , as in most cases the amount of particle pollution emitted — by industrial plants and the exhausts of diesel vehicles — is within legal limits .
4 In many cases the amount of section measured was considerably less than 500 ft ( 150 m ) with the average being 216 ft ( 63 m ) ; numbers of mean values used varied from two to six and in 27 cases only one value could be utilised .
5 While 8-track cassette recorders are n't new , in some cases the amount of signal isolation between tracks is at best poor , and so they have n't really been regarded as the way to upgrade .
6 Under the new rules the amount of capital that banks and S&Ls were required to hold " against conservatively underwritten loans for construction of pre-sold homes " was reduced .
7 Within this basic framework the amount of time allocated to each stage varied considerably .
8 So let's sum up , I treated a similar case with 5 times the amount of fluid than the article used , the case was solid the next day and was viewed for 3 days and had no greying off and the colour was really good .
9 I am not surprised that the Minister declines to give us the figures because is not the truth that about 60 to 80 times the amount of money is being spent per capita on students at the city technology college than is spent on pupils at secondary schools in Sunderland and surrounding boroughs ?
10 A club which exists on a shoestring budget could have elected to play Rangers on a neutral ground , and made at least four times the amount of money Arbroath will get from next month 's Cup tie .
11 The Keith Report ( 1983 ) estimated losses due to tax evasion at 7 per cent of the Gross Domestic Product , around 15 billion , and tax loss at 4 billion , roughly 15 times the amount of welfare abuse .
12 A 4-megabit chip ought to sell for five times as much as a 1-megabit device , the price premium justified by the smaller space and lower power needed to provide four times the amount of memory .
13 We eat up to ten times the amount of salt we actually need ; on average about two teaspoonfuls a day , half of which is added by manufacturers during food processing .
14 An article in a recent issue of the British Medical Journal , pointed out that babies in fluoridated areas who drink dried milk formulae made up with water containing 1 ppm fluoride , are ingesting up to 100 times the amount of fluoride they would obtain from mother 's milk ( vol 283. p 76 ) .
15 The auction was successful with bids received amounting to 2.28 times the amount of stock on offer and the following day the Bank announced the issue of three new tranchettes of tap stock .
16 This mode unites all the advantages of hot steam , such as short cooking times ( when humidity is added to dry heat you achieve 2–3 times the amount of heat penetration ) , low cooking losses , and juicy roasts that have the benefits of hot air , namely intensive flavour , appetizing colour and crunchy crusts .
17 He never had a chance of getting the money , which would have been between 10 and 12 times the amount in circulation in the UK at the moment . ’
18 Phillips also queries the amount of money newly allocated to the research councils to cover overheads of some projects previously paid for by the universities .
19 With experience the amount of fuel carried could obviously be adjusted depending on what length of trip you 're doing .
20 The patients were monitored for any streptococcal infections during sampling , but no attempt was made to measure the amount of streptokinase absorbed .
21 And as a result the amount of coal produced by Britain 's deep mines has fallen substantially .
22 Yet , in this study the amount of platelet activating factor ( 0.03 pg/ml ; 1.2 ng/h ) is much lower than that of lyso platelet activating factor ( 0.09 ng/ml ; 6.1 µg/h ) and AAGPC ( 0.14 µg/ml ; 11.5 µg/h ) suggesting that platelet activating factor degradation may not be the only source of platelet activating factor precursors under pentagastrin stimulation .
23 The difficulty of this task is likely to vary depending on the level of headings we wish to use , in other words the amount of detail that is specified in the course curriculum .
24 But for farmer Charles Peers the amount of straw he can sell is just a fraction of what 's left over after each field is harvested .
25 Savings accounts in banks were left untouched , but the decree limited for the next six months the amount of cash which could be withdrawn from accounts to a maximum Rbs500 per month , although it authorized the use of bank transfers by individuals for payment to state shops and enterprises .
26 In some areas the amount of inversion of the Carboniferous basement apparently exceeds that of the post-Zechstein section which may be attributed to removal of significant amounts of late Carboniferous strata during late Hercynian times ; these areas are also associated with the principal gas discoveries in the basin .
27 Irrespective of the mechanism initiating basin formation the amount of subsidence will be amplified by the weight of sediments which accumulate .
28 In relation to on-exchange transactions the amount of margin demanded must be at least equal to the exchange 's own requirements .
29 To the ice algae are now added open-water species , all proliferating ; from September to January the amount of chlorophyll a present in surface waters climbs rapidly , keeping pace with incoming solar radiation ( El-Sayed , 1971 , 1985 ) .
30 Flexibility The amount of discretion in decision-making , work assignments , etc .
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