Example sentences of "[noun] also [verb] a strong " in BNC.

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1 The study also shows a strong association between duodenal ulcers , active duodenitis , gastric metaplasia , and H pylori related gastritis regardless of NSAID intake .
2 The movie also has a strong message : that wealth is n't all it 's cracked up to be .
3 His work also had a strong visual appeal , but he managed to prevent aesthetics from getting in the way of his real intentions .
4 Many individuals also displayed a strong attachment to the Prayer-Book ceremonies associated with rites of passage : baptism , churching , marriage , and the burial of the dead .
5 Cambridge also contained a strong ‘ republican ’ group at this time , and while there is no proof that Wordsworth joined them at the University we find that he freely associated with ex-Cambridge liberals after his return from France in 1793 .
6 And while products make up 28% of turnover , the group also has a strong recurring revenue stream , and is keen to exploit it further — 28% of income comes from maintenance , 44% from services : consultancy , technical support and training .
7 Many of the older rose varieties also have a strong scent .
8 Lord Lane also launched a strong attack on the crisis in the crown and county courts .
9 Both sexes also demonstrated a strong negative relationship with HDL-cholesterol .
10 The GPs also showed a strong belief in other forms of complementary medicine : 90% think that acupuncture works ; 80% believe in hypnotherapy ; and 85% approve of both osteopathy and chiropractic .
11 The fact that the association was homogeneous across populations also provides a strong argument against a possible confounding effect of population heterogeneity .
12 She said its classlessness also had a strong appeal with ‘ business people and gardeners living side by side and talking to each other . ’
13 The regulationist approach also has a strong international dimension , regarding the mechanism by which the international economy is regulated as important for every part of it .
14 But the church also has a strong emphasis on social action and members will involve themselves in local concerns and politics as necessary .
15 Hamsters also show a strong reaction to artificial electric fields , and will change the position of their nests to avoid its effects .
16 The report also gives a strong warning about the wisdom of the use of hydrochlorofluorocarbons ( HCFCs ) as substitutes for CFCs .
17 Training also includes a strong historical and doctrinal perspective since ‘ Europe has drawn its dynamism , its art , its care for education and health for all ’ from the Christian faith .
18 HLA-B35 also showed a strong preference for proline at position 2 of bound peptides ( Table 1 ) , probably because of its sequence identity to HLA-B53 in the region of the B pocket of the molecule .
19 Although not explicit in Malinowski 's theory , it is apparent that hunter-gatherer belief systems also express a strong feeling of anxiety or guilt about killing and exploiting non-human-animals , hence the notion that punishment can only be avoided by behaving in a respectful way towards individual animals and nature in general .
20 The increasingly objectivity and precision of O'Keeffe 's imagery also made a strong impression on critic henry McBride , though he interpreted them in a surprising way .
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