Example sentences of "[noun] could come [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Melton Park would have a very easy passage in the Members ' , but may instead go for the Restricted , where his main opposition could come from The Grey Boreen .
2 The commercial use of our facilities for filming/photography etc. in future could come under the remit of the Business Development Director , in liaison with Public Services .
3 In sum , therefore , an attendance rate of 90% does not mean that 10% of pupils are absent ; the missing 10% could come from a small number of pupils with lengthy absences or from a higher percentage of pupils with brief absences .
4 An attendance rate of 90% , however , does not mean that 10% of pupils are absent : the missing 10% could come from a small minority of pupils with lengthy absences — the same ten pupils absent for the whole week — or from a higher percentage of pupils with brief absences — fifty pupils absent for one day over the course of the week .
5 Much of the potential for transferability of good practice could come through a series of innovations which partnership might originate , provided it is prepared to transcend traditional structures .
6 In theory , the Tory constituency parties could come to the rescue .
7 But he warned there were potential risks and pitfalls because the new working methods could come as a culture shock .
8 And if it is the intention of regions to put speakers on , especially those regions that are situated at back of Congress , if the speakers could come to the front it would save a great deal of time .
9 No boat could come from the mainland in this wind . ’
10 By one estimate , 600,000 of these economic refugees could come across the border .
11 The rubber stamp for the proposals could come at a meeting of the Community 's Council of Ministers at the end of June .
12 Dalglish 's mutli-million pound crusade for a Premier League place could come off the rails if his side do not win .
13 Zahedi asked whether the Shah could come to the States in the next few days .
14 A new opportunity for such changes could come in the current review of the board by its chairman , Andrew Large .
15 Help has come partly from donations , but cash for a resistance movement in a drawn out conflict could come from the Kuwait investment office ; it has a hundred billion dollars in foreign assets .
16 As he set off for the airport Lewis remembered that he had told Adam from the first that only trouble could come from a person of his youth and inexperience inheriting a big house and land of the dimensions of Wyvis Hall .
17 In the resultant Postlethwait audio-tutorial laboratory , open from around 7.00 a.m. to 11.30 pm. , the student could come at a time of his own choosing ; at the entrance he would receive a descriptive hand-out explaining what books , notes , equipment would be necessary to bring along ; once inside he would be given a botanical specimen and would enter a pleasant area equipped with a multiplicity of booths or carrels .
18 If all sides in the conflict make every effort to co-operate in good faith then new life could come to the area .
19 The input for such a reflex could come from a single class of broadly tuned vertical orientation detectors .
20 Although it is still legal to resort to the matches this season , provided the job is done properly , a late harvest followed by a wet autumn could come as a nasty reminder that cereal-growing is not the doddle many would have us believe .
21 Although this grant to Ely , dated 1022 , is a likely forgery , its witness list could come from a genuine document of 1023 , as Cnut may have visited the monastery on his return to deal with trouble involving the abbot , who had recently taken his case to Rome .
22 ONE OF Darlington 's busiest streets could come to a standstill this morning as taxi drivers pay respect to a young colleague who died suddenly .
23 The final crunch could come with the full moon on Thursday — but you will be well able to handle any problems that may arise .
24 Have you any indications as yet as to how many other credit cards could come on the scene ?
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