Example sentences of "[noun] [be] taking a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But whether diminishing returns are taking an increasing effect is a pertinent conundrum .
2 So DREADCO endocrinologists are taking a regular sequence of blood samples from a panel of female volunteers .
3 New research is taking a different tack .
4 British industry is taking a clear interest in the opportunities that exist in Vietnam , and I hope that others will follow our example .
5 Granny 's taking a tiny one along to the kitchen .
6 As I write , Washington is taking a second look at a once-derided theory , which maintains that the Reagan-Bush campaign made a private deal with Iran in 1980 ; the Iranians keeping the American hostages until after the election and the Reaganites rewarding them with heavy weapons as the price of Jimmy Carter 's pelt .
7 One 's sympathies are with the pragmatists , but it has to be admitted that if the markets do get the impression that the Chancellor is taking a soft line on inflation to promote growth , then the pound could come under pressure , and the next move in interest rates could then be up not down .
8 Anyone seeking political asylum is taking a major step .
9 Those hyacinths in the cauldron are taking a long time to come out are n't they ?
10 Opponents of plans for a £2m entertainment complex at Seaton Carew , near Hartlepool , have welcomed the news that Department of the Environment officials are taking a close look at the proposal .
11 The CNAA 's ideas were taking a different shape in 1975 , showing an unwillingness to go as far as delegating authority for the approval of courses , but pursuing the idea of ‘ internal validation ’ .
12 This is particularly likely to arise when the original purchaser is taking an inordinate length of time to proceed .
13 If the average rate is rising with income , then the tax is taking a higher proportion of higher incomes , i.e. the tax is progressive .
14 CITIZENS Financial Group is taking a major step towards its goal of doubling in size within a 100-mile radius of its Providence , Rhode Island headquarters .
15 American producers are taking a great interest in her , and her career is sure to take off whether or not she wins the coveted statuette .
16 Under increasing public pressure , farmers are taking a greater interest in free-range systems which give a fairer deal to farm animals .
17 DANISH farmers are taking a keen interest in outdoor pig production .
18 Of course , Mr Nakamura could not have done it without a lot of help from his staff : two of them resigned with him and all other executives are taking a six month pay cut of between 20 per cent and 50 per cent .
19 The top three Fujitsu executives are taking a 35 p.c. reduction , while 29 others will see a 15 p.c. to 20 p.c. cut .
20 It was mid-morning and many of the apprentices and stall-holders were taking a short rest , albeit some of them were already as drunk as March hares ; one group of apprentices outside The Death 's Head on the corner of Old Fish Street were indulging in a strident belching contest .
21 At the time of setting up the main problems facing UK carpet manufacturers were the depressed state of the economy and the fact that imports of carpets were taking an increasing share of a diminishing market .
22 In some places , and increasingly in these times , the whole assembly is taking a larger musical part .
23 Parents like to see the headteacher 's initials on their child 's reading card , they appreciate that the head is taking a personal interest in their child 's progress and keeping a general eye on activities in classrooms .
24 China is taking a 33 per cent shareholding in the airport , which will have a capacity for 6.5 million passengers annually .
25 ‘ In this decree Pope Pius was taking a good swipe at those who would bring the church up to date , the modernists as they call themselves .
26 Since then , AT&T has been urging the FCC not to grant BT a licence unless the gesture is reciprocated ; its British rival had until this week been taking a similar line .
27 ULSTER education chiefs are taking a giant hi-tech firm to court to seek more than £1m compensation over an alleged computers bungle .
28 During the first pilot year , however , there was a sense amongst the ‘ traditional ’ class that their colleagues in the new pathway were taking an extraordinary gamble with their medical education .
29 ‘ I ca n't single out any bad ones in particular — they all performed more or less the same — but a lot of people were taking an extra day , guaranteeing 48 hours and taking 72 hours .
30 ‘ I think the Vatican is doing a fine job , ’ Mr Fitzwater told reporters in Texas , where President Bush is taking a quail-hunting holiday .
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