Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] result [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Firstly , it is widely accepted , though admittedly not conclusively established , that major ice ages may result from the siting of large continental masses in the polar regions , because only in such circumstances can extensive ice sheets become established , with significant consequences for world climate ( Frakes , 1979 ) .
2 Even if your reaction is mild , it 's worth remembering that repeated exposure to foods that cause allergic reactions may result in the symptoms getting gradually worse .
3 Mutations may result in the activation of oncogenes or the inactivation of tumour suppressor genes , leading to abnormal or unregulated cell growth .
4 If main classes are unbalanced in size and more subdivisions are made in some classes than others ( to cater for the extensive literature of a larger subject ) , then long notations may result in the ‘ larger ’ areas .
5 When ewes are affected , the consequent agalactia may result in the death of the suckling lambs .
6 You may recall from your studies of Corporate Strategy that the identification of a market opportunity should result in the development of a product/market strategy .
7 Whereas crystallization from dilute solutions may result in the formation of single polymer crystals , this perfection is not achieved when dealing with polymers cooled from the melt .
8 Recently there has been speculation that the generally disappointing effects of hypotensive drug therapy in mildly hypertensive subjects may result from the deleterious metabolic side-effects of the agents themselves Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial Research Group ( 1982 ) .
9 Your study should result in the active absorption into your mind of accumulated and recorded knowledge .
10 The THES added in an editorial that the withdrawal of CNAA recognition could result in the grave consequence of the closure of an institution in the largest conurbation in Europe without a university :
11 English fishermen 's leaders gave warning that militant action could result from the failure of the council to aid the catchers .
12 Many companies hoped that the end to uncertainty would result in the release of orders held back because of the election .
13 Any sections not reported clear by the time of the arrival of the Fire Service units will result in the Fire Service undertaking to search such areas as an immediate priority .
14 Nikki Richardson , manager of Digital 's corporate information group at the company 's headquarters in Massachusetts , refused to confirm widespread speculation in Scotland and Ireland that the review will result in the company 's deciding to retain only one of the two manufacturing plants .
15 Their emphasis is on ensuring that the adoption of standard routines for management practice will result in the realization of greater efficiency and effectiveness .
16 The marathon will result in the closure of a large number of London streets on Sunday .
17 Careful management of such clumps can result in the production of high-quality timber while the areas in between are available for the natural regeneration of trees , shrubs and ground flora .
18 Without becoming too detailed , the rule can result in the grant of future interests being void where they do not vest within 21 years from the date of the grant of the lease .
19 The full technical instructions on the can stated that the contents ought not to be applied beyond a recommended stage of crop growth as damage might result to the crop .
20 The pressured atmosphere surrounding the takeover battle may result in the offeror 's shares being valued at a very full price at the time of the offer , but it is a common phenomenon for the share price to fall back after the euphoria has died down .
21 Divorce may result in the loss of certain property rights .
22 The different source of the neutrophils used in the assay may result in the recognition of different antigens , although Saxon et al showed no significant difference in binding with the neutrophils taken from eight normal subjects .
23 Good estate management should result in the landlord maintaining an even balance of trades but the following clause is nevertheless prudent : Not to permit or suffer any [ adjoining or neighbouring premises in the ownership or control of the Landlord ] [ other premises in the Centre ] to be used for the business from time to time being carried on in the Premises
24 If causing death is to be regarded as the most serious harm that can be inflicted , it would seem to follow that the most blameworthy form of homicide should result in the highest sentences imposed by the courts .
25 First , it may be recalled that in Chapter 2 , I concluded discussion of habitation by allowing the possibility that simple exposure to a stimulus might result in the formation of an increasingly detailed and well-specified representation of it .
26 According to ecologists it is impossible to predict the long-term impact of tapping into the area 's subterranean reserve , but ratification of the water district plan could result in the drying up of the natural springs in the Death Valley National Monument in California , destroy verdant valleys throughout the West and kill rare fish species such as the Moapa dace , which has survived since the ice age .
27 This unpalatable circumstance could result in the very real possibility that Cassie would get a lower price for the cottage than she had paid for it , thus resulting in the disastrous situation of owing the Building Society money which she did not possess .
28 The case of the flutes and oboes requires a little more judgement , for , if the chord were high-placed , dovetailing would result in the 1st oboe playing in its thinnest and least effective register , e.g. .
29 miners would result in the rejection of the national strike call .
30 In one case it was held that because such disparity would result from the closure by an LEA of the only two single-sex boys ' schools in its area , whilst the authority permitted its two girls ' schools to remain , there was unlawful sex discrimination .
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