Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] for the development " in BNC.

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1 EMMS , beside owning the Nazareth Hospital , is committed to raising funds worldwide for the development and upgrading of the hospital to district status .
2 Julian Schwinger and Sin-itiro Tomonaga. was responsible 30 years ago for the development of quantum electrodynamics — the first modern relativistic quantum theory — writes in his autobiography of that period that ‘ the ground of science was littered with the corpses of dead unified theories ’ .
3 StorageTek says that it too had put some money up for the development and would have marketed the product even without buying the company — although the Viking was seen as a direct competitor to its own Iceberg , Viking is in fact a simpler device with fewer features .
4 However , suppose that only in the smooth regions were galaxies and stars formed and were conditions right for the development of complicated self-replicating organisms like ourselves who were capable of asking the question : Why is the universe so smooth ?
5 There is room in family welfare both for the development of effective social policies in housing and income maintenance and for sympathetic support and individual help with particular problems .
6 provide clear commitments and policy objectives both for the development of comprehensive , multidisciplinary assessments and for the kinds and levels of services which the outcome of such assessments will require ;
7 The acquisition of a Library Macintosh specifically for the development of Hypercard databases and for other Library housekeeping software is recommended for 1993/94 , having been deferred in each of the two previous years .
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