Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] told [pers pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There was something about the look in his eyes that told her this was a time to listen and not argue .
2 The Master dined there last term and told us all about it .
3 The thing I remember about him as an engineer was that we used to get these forms that told you each week who you were going to be working on , what the line-up was , and I saw this thing and it said David Bowie , Studio Two .
4 At the height of the criticism , Law met constituency chairmen and agents at the Queen 's Hall and told them that
5 ‘ The Master took them quietly from his person and told him such things were not allowed to be introduced into the workhouse , he then placed himself in a fighting attitude and threatened to knock the Master 's teeth down his throat , thereby setting bad examples to others ’
6 ‘ Maybe you should have walked over to Pike and told him that .
7 I sat down in Dad 's chair and told him all about the old lady and her brother , or at least what I knew , which was n't much .
8 His instincts finally rang the bell and told him this man had more than a casual interest in what might be going on downstairs .
9 I went to Scotland Yard this morning and saw an Inspector and told him all about our suspicions , and about how we knew Nigel had been down at Streatley that Saturday — ’
10 I says you 're the man told u give us the key for Black 's Row and told us that
11 She rang up her friend Kate and told her all about it and Kate agreed that telling the police would be going too far .
12 I took each upon my knee and told them that Mamma is gone to Heaven to God Almighty , and asked them both to promise me that they would try to be good children and follow their mother to that happy place … ‘
13 I went to the sergeant and told him this , but he ordered me to be on my way .
14 As far as I could tell Frank had recovered from the breakdown we witnessed in late 1986 and , despite the months alone and the awful beatings he 'd received in the Pigsty , he still had a great sense of humour and told us hysterical episodes from his life , many of them against himself .
15 So the usual thing eventually after five months waiting for payment is to find out the bloody solicitor that told them this you see and inform the the solicitors that er his client has not yet paid us and we it ought to be done and eventually that 's how we get the money .
16 I went to my bosses and told them that , in The Wedding Present , there was another one out of the same rough balloon with the potential to be a long-lasting , album-selling , international act .
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