Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] go [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's up to Linfield then whether they agree a price with Glentoran or go to a tribunal . ’
2 4.10 Cash should not be delivered by staff to clients in their own home unless the client is unable to come to the office to collect the money or go to the post office to collect it .
3 The easiest way is to employ a local customs agent or go to the airport with the airway bill number and reclaim the parcel from the Iberian cargo office , located west of the main passenger terminal .
4 As well as being subjected to extreme temperature changes outside , having to constantly leave a warm room to either make a cup of tea or go to the toilet , for example , meant that they were doubly exposed to cold stress as well as to daily stress .
5 There is a fortune on offer for the side that go into the European Cup 's mini-league , the build-up has been intense and not many of the players will have taken part in a bigger or more crucial event .
6 Most people stretch their legs and go into the stations .
7 Follow the pre-race qualifying sessions and go behind the scenes for exclusive pictures and interviews with the teams .
8 It was agreed by Mrs Buckingham , who had always resisted the false belief about the pain in her daughter 's back , that Harriet should stop lying around on the hall seat and go to a school founded in the 1840S for the further education of gentlewomen .
9 Anyone who thinks owning a diesel spells the end of driving fun , should park their backside in the AX 's comfortable , supportive driver 's seat and go for a quick ride .
10 Continue on to reach the road , turn right over it to cross the Nedd Fechan and go to the road junction .
11 ‘ We 're going down to Redland Bay to have dinner on his boat and go for a sail , ’ she invented fluently .
12 He became a cult figure in Glasgow , stalking the streets in leather pork-pie hats , wandering into darkened pubs wearing shades , and setting up an unofficial headquarters in the lounge of the St Enoch 's Hotel where he could survey the talent and go about the more important business of being Baxter .
13 You get the end of season and it 's if you look at the labels and go for the decent labels then you do n't get sort of , quite reasonable quality .
14 Individuals live and die , but economic , political and religious systems , for example , show durabilities that go beyond the lifespan of any one individual .
15 The music and lyrical ideas are the stuff of nightmares , foam-flecked poetic rantings that go for the throat and refuse to let go no matter how hard you may plead .
16 Oh there 's those bikes that go in the water !
17 He told the Governor that ‘ Rance must come out with a new policy , with proposals that go beyond the White paper [ of May 1945 ] .
18 I think I 'd rather live in the park than go to the smelly old place .
19 Cos it people come off the sites or go to the corner shop , do n't cross the road .
20 Yeah you can go out in the hall or go in the syndicate room
21 He next moved on to the buying office , a very important department in a company such as Cadbury 's where the skilful purchase of the ingredients that go into the products can have a crucial impact on the viability of the business .
22 Input devices range from microphones that go into the external jack to compact disk players ; output can be through the internal speaker , or via stereo speakers or headphones plugged into the speaker jack .
23 There are other analyses that go beyond the structural or policy analyses , providing somewhat more complex explanations .
24 I sometimes think that I would like all the attachments that go with the machine , but at my age ( 78+ ) I do n't really think it 's worth it , I 'm making some very nice things as it is .
25 Natasha Lebedeva and Nastya Kharina live in Russia and go to the English Language School in Perm .
26 Now he plans to put nearly 10 years of dedicated training to the test and go for a medal in the forthcoming World Championships .
27 ‘ Leave your country , your people and your father 's household and go to the land I will show you . ’
28 She heard the door open and close , then his footsteps coming back along the corridor and go into the sitting room .
29 And it 's very hot and not nice for children , so you can stay in England and go to a boarding school like Alex — wo n't that be fun ? ’
30 She heard him cross the hall and go up the stairs .
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