Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [verb] she towards " in BNC.

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1 It was a new and subtle torment , and she writhed beneath the thrill of his touch , feverishly arching against the eddying bands of tension that enticed her towards some undreamed-of zenith .
2 Snaking out one strong brown hand , Nathan caught the nape of her neck and hauled her towards him .
3 He moved with incredible speed , seizing her by the shoulders and propelling her towards the closed door , a hard violence etching the bones of his face into a mask that would have just done justice to a Viking warrior at his most rapacious .
4 Sharpe said grimly , then he put an arm round Lucille 's shoulders and steered her towards the ballroom where , because the orchestra had been engaged till dawn , the music still played and a few last couples still danced .
5 Daniel got down , put an arm round her thick middle , hoisted her silently to her feet and pulled her towards the bedroom .
6 Yanto curled his arm around Sheila 's waist and guided her towards the river bank .
7 By the time her mother rose in an elegant flourish of Pucci and swept her towards the door in that ostentatiously motherly way she had , Jo was in a sulk as deep as the Pacific Trench .
8 He reached behind her head and pulled her towards him , kissing her lingeringly on her lips .
9 ‘ Starting right now , this minute … ’ he murmured softly , brushing her lips delicately with his mouth , before quickly sweeping her lightly gowned figure up in his arms and carrying her towards the door .
10 She stopped at the crossroads that took her towards her house and , instead of going right , as she normally would , went left towards the outskirts of Grantley .
11 I loosen the clips and pull her towards me and her breasts melt on my chest .
12 Then he took Victoria 's hand and led her towards the strange woman .
13 He made no response , but just took her hand and led her towards the stable-block .
14 His hand captured her face and turned her towards him in the old domineering manner but his eyes were not at all hard .
15 He put a hand under her arm and turned her towards a silver-grey Rolls that took up all the parking space outside her shop .
16 With sick fear in his stomach , Cardiff took her arm and guided her towards the side door .
17 Taking her completely by surprise , he caught hold of her arm and pulled her towards him .
18 ‘ Yes ! ’ she insisted , and to her utter alarm and astonishment he caught her arm and pulled her towards the nearby barn .
19 Adam smiled , shook his head to signify he wanted nothing , took Billie 's arm and pushed her towards the lift .
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