Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] send [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And then gradually and then when I got to Donnington I had to go , I use to go to Litchfield you see , to examination , then when I got to Donnington they sent me to Shrewsbury .
2 ‘ The crime they sent me to prison for ! ’
3 ‘ Perhaps you think the crime they sent you to prison for makes you unworthy of God 's mercy .
4 Though perhaps not quite so avidly sought after as its Pirelli or even Ilford counterpart , these nonetheless prove to be extremely popular with local folk who send them to their far-flung nearest and dearest .
5 " Why are you not wearing the medal I sent you as a keepsake ? "
6 Rosa scandens , ‘ a wild , woody , climbing rose , with a shining evergreen Myrtle leaf , a white sweet-scented flower and small , round prickly fruit ’ , was , he said , found in woods near Florence by Signor Micheli who sent it to Dr Boerhaave of Leyden , ‘ in whose curious garden I saw it growing in the year 1727 . ’
7 The first place they sent us to was a parish in the East End .
8 One of the places he sent it to was Happy Towers in Edgbaston in Birmingham , which was a Mecca ballroom , and that was the first gig we did , complete with a revolving stage and everything .
9 Without looking at Silas , she asked casually , ‘ Is this the person who sent you into the outback — the one who has warped your mind against women in general ? ’
10 And that , I I was , my hus , during the time mother was ill , my husband took ill , now this is where authorities do n't give you any back up , instead of sending him to hospital which was fifteen minutes by bus , I could have visited him every day they sent him to the other side of the county which only allowed a visit once a week , and meant I had to leave at twelve o'clock and get home at six !
11 The first day at the newspaper they sent me into the darkroom with a roll of film and I think I was in the closet for about five hours before I could figure out how to put it on the reel . ’
12 He saved too the note she sent requesting ‘ Big choc. cake , ginger biscuits , Twiglets ’ just as he has kept the clipping she sent him from the Daily Telegraph about academic failures who become gifted and successful later in life .
13 So it 's , it 's small things like that which although on their own , as we did n't recycle but for all those people who bought cards and the people they send them to are , are now aware , that they need to create a market .
14 When I took her to a school for admission they sent us to the Education department .
15 I keep the snapshot you sent me by my bed , but although I can see it is you , you look different — so much older .
16 Watch the rough stuff , though : any dirty tactics are quickly spotted by the ref who sends you to the sin bin !
17 I also thank the hunting fraternity for their documentary they sent me on hunting the facts .
18 The look he sent her across the table was a direct challenge .
19 Now the point I 'm trying to make — the reason I sent you to that 2D universe — is that I reckon we 're making the same mistake — about the space of our universe .
20 I can not trace any acknowledgment from you of the memorandum I sent you on the twelfth of this month , regarding your talents and the scope for them in this office .
21 I lost some weight and felt ill enough to go to the doctor who sent me to hospital in Northallerton .
22 ‘ She left a copy of that poison pen letter she sent you on her word-processor , ’ Julius said .
23 Ultima , I wrote on the last letter he sent me before his departure .
24 ‘ If you 're — uh — gay , as they insist on calling it these days , then I 'll just have to accept it , but I shall always blame myself , always wonder where I went wrong with you , wonder whether it was that school I sent you to , I was never sure if it was a mistake or ’
25 The rationing of food and of clothes , the air raid warnings which sent us into shelters , the trains which ran late and were always overcrowded , these things became an accepted part of life .
26 The neighbour we sent it to died while it was on its way .
27 If the teachers had a problem they sent them to her .
28 This is the daft nuns they sent you to all them years ago and your head ‘ s still full of the rubbish they crammed into you .
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