Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] a short time " in BNC.

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1 Although the London Borough of Southwark agreed to maintain the level of funding to some of the projects for a short time after the demise of the I. L. E. A. , that support can no longer be guaranteed .
2 To improve , she attended an art class in Sheffield for a short time .
3 Try increasing the pump speed for a short time to shift the blockage , or drain down the system so it can be flushed through , and refill with clean water ( and a corrosion inhibitor ) .
4 The work had dropped off yeah , and then I were on the , on the labour for a short time and erm then I got a job next door to where I lived , straight next door .
5 People always knock someone who has achieved a great deal in a short time .
6 Tim Holton said : ‘ We have achieved a great deal in a short time but there is still a long way to go .
7 A big bream should be weighed immediately it is caught , for these fish can lose a lot of weight in a short time in a keepnet or keepsack .
8 As we have seen already when we have to cope with a large number of losses in a short time , it becomes much harder to deal with the grief that we feel .
9 Designer Labels is intended to short-cut the procedure , and allow you to do what you want with labels in a short time , and for the most part , it succeeds .
10 In the course of a short time the farmer was sufficiently restored to relate his own story , as already recited , and in gratitude for his miraculous escape ordered a silver collar to be made for his friendly protector , as a perpetual remembrance of the transaction .
11 Later in my newspaper career I was privileged to act as front page editor for a short time during which I enjoyed writing the 8-column headline and then arranging the other headlines , photo blocks and single or double columns to present a well-balanced and good looking front page spread .
12 ‘ She told the doctor at the orphanage , ‘ If I 'm going to go to England for a short time I must be careful not to give too much of my love , but if I 'm going to be there for a long time I can give all the love I can ’ , ’ Mike says .
13 Yes , the cases quoted are clear ones , in which carers have been in the home for a long time , but obviously we would wish to avoid a position in which the carer was in the home for a short time in the expectation that he or she would then be allowed to stay there .
14 And finally , remember you have to live with yourself for the rest of your life : you only have to put up with your counterpart for a short time .
15 Then , obviously wanting to leave us alone , our friend said that he had to go to the village of Lalatta for a short time ; he would be back in twenty minutes , by which time I would have to start making my way back to Lagrimone .
16 He was educated at Rossall School and Magdalene College , Cambridge , where he obtained a third class in English in 1921 , having abandoned law after a short time .
17 The child was recovered in the abandoned Peugeot within a short time — still sleeping .
18 The Sister tried to tell her that all new mothers went through something of this sort for a short time after childbirth ; but Harriet knew , when she fetched Liza and her baby back to Four Winds at the end of the week , that what her daughter was suffering from was not the ordinary ‘ blues ’ which she herself had experienced after Liza was born .
19 She sent him a memo — the usual form of royal communication — but he replied negatively , arguing that it was n't possible as she had only been doing the job for a short time .
20 In a major success on June 18 they defeated SOC forces at Kompong Thom , and then held the town for a short time before withdrawing .
21 I do hope you do n't think this is presumptuous , and I expect you are very busy generally , but perhaps you and your husband would like to come here for supper one evening , or we could go out somewhere , or if it 's easier , I could drop in to you one evening for a short time for a chat .
22 Where fleece is used to advance and protect the growth of crops requiring a pollination period it will be necessary to uncover the plants for a short time at the flowering stage after which the fleece can then be left on until harvesting to keep out birds , small animals and other pests that might damage the fruit .
23 Indeed , pollen exposed to ants for a short time has reduced germinability and shorter pollen-tubes : such pollen leads to lower seed set .
24 These so-called ‘ displacement activities ’ which often involve grooming the body for a short time , seem to occur particularly in states of conflict between , say , attacking and escaping from another individual .
25 But again they were probably making use of much older tracks evolved for very different purposes For a short time they were important .
26 And I 'm afraid you 're going to have to stay in the room for a short time , while I make a couple of phone calls and certain arrangements . ’
27 Meanwhile , it has been disclosed that the Queen Mother was entertaining guests within a short time of leaving Aberdeen Royal Infirmary .
28 If he reasonably does not discover his right until a short time before the last days of the three months have elapsed , then obviously it would probably not be reasonably practicable to give notice in time .
29 Some measurements were made using older plants over a short time period , just three hours .
30 Take the coin and wet it with water , and then press it against the victim 's head for a short time ‘ to get it to stick ’ .
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