Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] herself to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Concern 's chief executive , Aengus Finucane , in Somalia on a visit , said : ‘ Wendy Murphy , a nurse who was with Valerie , said Valerie threw herself to the floor of the car when the shooting started .
2 Hideki 's mother was educated and emancipated , but on marriage subjugated herself to the traditional Japanese wife 's domesticated role .
3 Joe returned the warm plates of food to the table , and Dolly helped herself to the mint sauce .
4 Returning to the main cavern at a dead run , Ace threw herself to the side as a cluster of boxes not far off exploded with a sharp blast , hurling several of the defenders into he oily waters .
5 It took a moment to accustom herself to the dim light inside , but as she entered a slight noise made her turn .
6 Like Georg , she felt the need to submit herself to the possibility of seeing the one she loved who had rejected her .
7 Emyard 's influence on a young woman from Tours , Emilie Tamisier ( 1834–1910 ) , that gave her the inspiration to dedicate herself to the salvation of society through the Eucharist .
8 So old Mokosh changed herself to a moorhen and ran through the meadows to the town , and Neva followed her .
9 Sandra had virtually given up her career to devote herself to the task of keeping house and raising a family , though , in that respect , the relationship did not mature as she had hoped .
10 Since Cox confined herself to the truly great , her sample — unlike , say , Ellis ' and Bowerman 's — naturally contained the names of many individuals whom others have quoted as evidence for the connection between creativity and psychosis ; including , incidentally , one ( Cowper ) who appears in this book .
11 But however much he hated the thought of allowing Sara to commit herself to a man she had never met , he knew her too well and loved her too much to try to keep her at home against her will .
12 From 1907 Richardson devoted herself to a journalistic career , publishing periodical articles on topics which ranged from literature and politics to dentistry , as well as reviews , sketches , short stories , and poems .
13 ‘ It 's what I call the devil now , ’ explained Lydia recalling herself to the conversation .
14 The fact , however , that Britain linked herself to the German economy through the ERM meant that , far from conducting the opposite policies to Germany 's — which it would have been in her real interest to do — she had to follow suit .
15 She hardly dared to draw the curtains to show herself to the other girls , though she had warned them of the horrid sight in store for them .
16 Looking at it and the bleak shore of Flotta beyond , the memories came flooding back : pink gins before Sunday lunch at twopence a throw ; dressing up as Tartars and Eskimos and Bedouins for Tribal parties ; cinema shows where the reels were laced up in the wrong order ; darts competitions in the wardroom flat ; early winter morning torpedo firings in the Flow , very dark and cold ; walks to Longhope for fresh eggs , or fishing for sea-trout in the bay ; piping the admiral as we passed the headquarters ship and eased our way down to Switha Gate bound for distant waters , the captain on the compass platform with cap at an angle , elbows on hips and gloved hands turned upwards , Spider beside him puffing smoke through a black holder and advising courses to steer ; and then , as the ship adjusted herself to the roll and rhythm of the sea , a last flashing message from the signal station at Hoxa Head ( now vandalized and abandoned ) , as it would be the first on our return , days or weeks later .
17 Jocelyn Toynbee restricted herself to the comment that they ( the cucullati ) were ‘ a comic element like the clowns ’ .
18 Sir Robin Day searched a long memory for some event remotely comparable , and could only come up with Edwina 's famous threat to handcuff herself to the rostrum until hanging was brought back .
19 Protesting , Geoffrey moved to one side as Bridget lowered herself to the ground .
20 Stefan was nearly 4 years old when his desperate mother referred herself to the child guidance centre .
21 Once again the meeting was a great success ; the Emperor had long conversations with the Prince Consort , Lord Palmerston and the Foreign Secretary , Lord Clarendon , while the Empress devoted herself to the Queen and the royal children .
22 From that moment on , Maltwood gave herself to the search , moving to the area , and eventually finding the signs of the zodiac , arranged in a circle .
23 Leonora restricted herself to the main tableland of the island , knowing perfectly well that Penry had her safety in mind in his veto of exploration on her own .
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