Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] support for the " in BNC.

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1 * The government is to host a further meeting in Tunis in April , when representatives of Western donors and multilateral agencies will consolidate plans to continue support for the environmental programme .
2 According to the report , the USA was " pouring millions of dollars into north-western Cambodia " in an attempt to win support for the non-communist rebels ahead of any peace settlement .
3 The auditors say the department withdrew support for the project in March after ‘ a series of delays in design , development , and preparation for installation ’ of a loop to test the reactor .
4 And , finally , why is it that black kids find support for the idea that they have only limited employment opportunities ahead of them , not only from their peers but also from the school ?
5 Irish authorities are to urge the US to be as flexible as possible over visas in a bid to maximise support for the Republic 's bid for World Cup glory .
6 In 1879 she visited repealers in Plymouth to canvass support for the new bill , which proposed that the courts should remove children living in the society of depraved and disorderly persons and place them in industrial schools .
7 The three found they could speed up the development of the 601 chip by combining work already under way at IBM with Motorola chip technology , and early next year , IBM , Apple and Motorola will announce the PowerOpen Association to rally support for the chip , which has so far won the backing only of Compagnie des Machines Bull SA and Thomson-CSF SA .
8 Despite its recent upgrades to include support for the IBM AT , fast colour monitors and the ability to set the default colours of each accessory window Spotlight lags behind SideKick on friendliness and ease of use .
9 It is impossible to discover when and by whom the decision to depose the king was taken , but when parliament assembled , Mortimer and his supporters embarked on a carefully orchestrated campaign to win support for the removal of the king .
10 One of the major features of Scargill 's campaign to mobilize support for the strike was his emphasis on the centrality of the pit to a community 's economic and social health .
11 In December 1651 he joined Christopher Feake [ q.v. ] in calling a meeting at Allhallows to rally support for the millenarian cause .
12 The issue damaged his Liberal Democratic Party ( LDP ) government , however , to the extent that opinion polls in late February put support for the government at only 41 per cent , the lowest figure recorded since Kaifu took office in August 1989 .
13 The Petition Committee , set up in February to gain support for the memorandum , appealed to the Labour , Liberal and Cooperative Parties , for the " parties of progress to work together " .
14 Equally important was its decision to combine support for the war effort and for the Government with the most vigorous campaigning politics .
15 Continuing with his initiative to undercut support for the PKK by relaxing cultural restrictions , Özal allowed the Kurdish New Year to be openly celebrated on March 21 .
16 The group expresses support for the introduction of a levy on electricity consumers to finance renewable-energy projects .
17 Today 's meeting of the TUC-unions — NUPE , Cohse , TGWU , GMB , and Nalgo — is likely to concentrate on efforts to sustain support for the action through the Christmas period .
18 However , Dniestr and Gagauz districts in the fiercely separatist republics of Moldava , and the autonomous republic of Abkhazia and the autonomous region of South Ossetia in Georgia declared support for the SCSE , as did the Russian-speaking communities in the Baltic states .
19 They also responded to the king 's skilful use of propaganda to generate support for the war .
20 I have already mentioned that Dicey finds support for the principle of Parliamentary sovereignty in the work of earlier writers .
21 On 10 August the Japanese bombed most Portuguese towns on the island to discourage support for the Australians .
22 On the extreme Right , disparate reactionary groups formed the violently loyalist , nationalist and anti-Semitic Union of the Russian People to rally support for the Tsar .
23 ‘ We believe we have some results to show for our efforts and if anybody in South Africa , white or black , believes that opposition to sanctions represents support for the status quo , they are deluding themselves . ’
24 Conversely , Trade Indemnity maintained support for the Mirror Group , whose PAS-score trajectory shows it to be financially sound .
25 However , Civic Union withdrew support for the government when acting Prime Minister Yegor Gaidar , presenting " a programme of urgent measures to lead the Russian economy out of crisis " to a joint sitting of the Supreme Soviet on Nov. 26 , ruled out compromise on four key points demanded by Civic Union : ( i ) return to the state distribution system ; ( ii ) large increases in the money supply ; ( iii ) freezing wages and prices ; and ( iv ) fixing an exchange rate below that of the market .
26 While with ILEA Ms Clay , once the deputy head of a Midland school , led a team of advisers providing support for the health education curriculum on over 1,200 education establishments .
27 Announcing the establishment of new climate monitoring centre , Thatcher offered support for the establishment of a convention on climatic change by the time of the UN 's 1992 world conference on the environment and development ( a proposal supported in Resolutions 44/229 and 44/207 ) ; and proposed that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change preparing a report for that conference be extended .
28 A thin reinforced concrete slab over the beams provides support for the bituminous carriageway surfacing and an in situ concrete high-containment barrier protects the railway from errant vehicles .
29 While such concern gained support for the provision of rate-financed school meals , proposals for full state maintenance had far less backing .
30 APAP members in London — believed to be seriously disaffected by the association 's stance in the dispute — will be met by an executive member , Mr Peter Kenney , in the first of a series of meetings to rally support for the union amid threats of a revolt following the resignation of the 132-strong Hertfordshire chapter last week .
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