Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] a nice [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'll see your mum has a nice cup of tea waiting for you ’
2 Now , with players like Hassler , Reuter and Moller emerging , Klinsmann confirming his European Championship promise and Augenthaler re-emerging from the shadows as libero , the side has a nice balance between youth and experience .
3 Considered as a whole the pictures provide a nice illustration of transition to turbulence .
4 The Old Testament has a nice line in vituperation of other cultures and their beliefs when its writers suggest that non-Israelites worship , not the true God , but satyrs or he-goats or demons … .
5 At first , these trips offer a nice novelty value , but the realisation that the oversea navigation is by tracking the VOR needle and watching an almost indistinguishable horizon of sea and sky takes away the pleasure of the flight , especially if it is a day trip and the local wines can not be enjoyed .
6 Les Echo managed a nice increase in financial advertising , but elsewhere volumes were flat erm , and so the revenue increased has depended on er , rate increases , changes in the mix or circulation revenue , with a mixture of cover price increases and some increases in circulation .
7 Denis Irwin chipped a nice ball to Steve Staunton on the left wing and Aldridge got on the end of a fiercely-driven centre .
8 It would be a pity to spoil a nice face like yours .
9 Van Gogh went for sunflowers … and Turner liked a nice boat … but these are the favoured subject of Huang Youngping .
10 The Art Gallery had a nice exhibition about slices of NZ history done on a ‘ time-travel ’ theme ; a teenage girl travels back to visit Abel Tasman 's ship , Joseph Banks ’ study etc and sends aerograms ‘ home ’ , full of description but made realistic with 20th century NZ teenage jargon .
11 Or use a mnemonic , for example ‘ Mrs Vera Evans Marches , Jumps and Skips Using a Nice Pogo-stick ’ gives the order of planets in our solar system .
12 She said has Warren got a nice bum ?
13 It 's a distinctive and barren spot ; an episode of Dr Who was once filmed here , and the local surfers do a nice line in Cyberman jokes .
14 ‘ Oh , Mama had a nice line in that , as well as Papa , ’ said McAllister , remembering for once to use the past tense when speaking of her parents .
15 From what I can see I do n't think Lottie wants a nice man .
16 This creamy pâté makes a nice alternative to the usual cheese and egg sandwich fillings .
17 A physical science student showed a nice awareness of the science/arts hierarchy when , talking about her brother who was doing a Fine Art degree , she said
18 Jack seems a nice man . ’
19 It is no use having a nice display if people ca n't see it , but I ca n't afford to have this sort of thing happen again . ’
20 After all , until the last century Westminster Hall was used for royal banquets and coronation feasts ; surely it would be possible for people to order a nice cup of tea there .
21 The lamb had a nice expression rather like a kitten 's .
22 The grouse turn a nice shade of red and fall from the sky but the halt in the action when the trigger is pulled is very noticeable .
23 More and more Nigerians also take advantage of the price differences to do a nice business smuggling goods across the border into the franc zone .
24 He 's lying down on the floor having a nice lie down are n't you Toby ?
25 Add a bit of orange peel , it you like , and a crushed dried and seeded chilli gives a nice flavour .
26 ‘ But I would like enough money to have a nice home of my own — and to be able to set my mother and my brothers up somewhere else .
27 Formal paved areas in the garden provide a nice contrast to the freely curving growth of the plants but , however well laid the paving stones , tiles or bricks , sooner or later weeds sprout through the cracks , and it is either a case of weedkiller , not popular with organic gardeners , or constant weeding , which scrapes fingertips and breaks nails .
28 ‘ Would not your children like a nice pet to take back to England ? ’
29 A brown sedge and floating line took a nice trout of 8lb 3ozs for Billy Stewart , Carrickfergus , while , Martin Coard , Belfast took a good brace at 7lb 12ozs and 6lb 8ozs on a Black Buzzer .
30 John Major had a nice smile , Douglas Hurd carried himself well , while Michael Heseltine was dishy .
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