Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] for [art] moment " in BNC.

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1 The clerk stopped for a moment and whispered to Mr Albert , who , realizing that instead of selling a pair of jeans he really had a customer with money to spend , hurried towards Hank .
2 The singing of the birds stopped for a moment , and then started again .
3 The dark hole of the ship 's innards gaped for a moment .
4 Where the skin stretched taut along his cheekbones it held a faint flush of colour after the day out , the disfiguring bitterness in the blue eyes hidden for the moment behind closed , black-fringed lids .
5 The teenage PODs lived for the moment and their songs , all crash-bang-wallop-bang-crash , reflected this .
6 ‘ I do have that platinum , suicide blonde hair in the movie , ’ says Kylie , allowing herself a rare giggle , as the guise drops for a moment .
7 They were both astonished and Lomas stopped for a moment to stare at the floor .
8 The sea slithered along the hulls with the sound of tearing paper as the yacht heeled to the slope of the wave , wind spilling for a moment , slap of canvas .
9 He glanced sideways at her , and as his eyes lingered for a moment on her form , she realised with horror that she was n't wearing a bra .
10 Their eyes met for a moment , then he looked away .
11 As he came through the hut again , the man was there , about to sign out , and their eyes met for a moment , and Cormack felt scared .
12 Their eyes met for a moment and Guido smiled back at her , flooding her heart with foolish pleasure .
13 The eyes smouldered for a moment at the impertinence , then he seemed to see the funny side and chuckled hoarsely .
14 Flipping lazily on to her back , she floated with her eyes closed for a moment , frowning as the sound of a door closing echoed around the pool .
15 ‘ Nearly there now , ’ she said softly , and the fierce dark eyes opened for a moment .
16 Their eyes clashed for a moment , then Leonora shrugged .
17 They continued to feed , or stared out on the Zoo not looking in the direction of Minch at all ; while Creggan was so busy staring at Minch in delight and pleasure that he did not notice behind him , in the next-door cage , Slorne stare for the moment at Minch and then swing round and silently resume her vigil at the back top of her cage , looking at the trees and sky .
18 Then at the crest of each polished wave , the blackness broke for a moment into the dark green of very deep water , and the sun shimmered in it like light varnished over .
19 She let her eyes stray for a moment to the door of the bedroom where her little daughter now lay fast asleep .
20 His fingers scraping , Nicholas let his mind dwell for a moment on fuses .
21 Dora thought for a moment .
22 Branson thought for a moment .
23 Hennessy thought for a moment , then nodded .
24 The Professor thought for a moment .
25 The professor thought for a moment , then said to his assistant , ‘ A tape measure .
26 Toby thought for a moment .
27 Softly , gently , cruelly , he teased her , his lips alighting for a moment , then moving away again , arousing her hunger , making her blood cry out for him .
28 Marie thought for a moment , then got up , suddenly decisive .
29 Hawkins thought for a moment , then smiled .
30 Shiona hesitated for a moment .
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