Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] the [adj] amount " in BNC.

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1 ( Note , though , that once prices have risen , people will need more money to conduct the same amount of transactions . )
2 Honey contains some sucrose as well as glucose and fructose ; 1 teaspoon of honey has the same amount of calories as one teaspoon of sucrose .
3 It holds a pool of the securities of each listed company and on dealings on The Exchange each seller transfers to SEPON , thus momentarily augmenting its pool and out of it SEPON transfers the appropriate amount of shares to each purchaser .
4 Yesterday Sudbury chairman Iain Hook said the club 's case was based on the fact the division four clubs had a greater need for support as a result of their geographical locations and inability to attract the same amount of outside backing as top clubs .
5 Turnover represents the aggregate amount invoiced for goods supplied to customers and is stated net of any value added or sales taxes .
6 This results from the nature of the elongation conditions which ensures that each transcript contains the same amount of radiolabel incorporated into the nascent RNA during initiation of the ternary transcription complex , and no further label is incorporated during the elongation phase .
7 Control animals received the same amount of physiological saline .
8 One of the most fascinating aspects of Spycatcher is how Wright describes the enormous amount of time wasted on petty departmental quarrels and jealousies with each person guarding his little private empire .
9 First , it is the only style that was invented by a woman ; and second , it requires only the minimum exertion of force to do the maximum amount of work .
10 Obviously a given thickness of sediment could not simply by weight produce the same amount of subsidence of a much denser crust .
11 His intention to repay the equivalent amount was relevant to dishonesty , not to the intention permanently to deprive .
12 Interestingly , although all three cached designs had the same amount of RAM cache , the CIC Sigma produced the best overall performance .
13 Where the shares are equity shares the relevant amount of minority interests will be the proportionate share of net identifiable assets .
14 Some British steel factories , using identical machinery to our foreign competitors , use up to 40% more labour to produce the equivalent amount of steel .
15 For a more soluble preparation mix the usual amount of essential oil into a tablespoonful of unperfumed liquid soap .
16 Impressed by their studiousness , we carefully counted out some coins , making sure each boy got the same amount .
17 Due to wartime conditions the peasantry got the same amount of agricultural machinery over the years 1915–21 that they had been able to buy in a single year prior to the World War .
18 A pair of ‘ Boulle ’ marquetry meubles à hauteur d'appui of around 1780 attributed to Etienne Levasseur of Phillip-Claude Montigny made the same amount against an estimate of $250,000–350,000 .
19 Of all grammatical types , the verb metaphor displays the greatest amount of interanimation .
20 This presents no problem if the seller has a certificate or certificates representing the precise amount sold to a single buyer .
21 In their last financial years , only 39 FT-SE 100 companies ' audit fees increased above the rate of inflation ; 25 companies ' audit fees were cut from 1990 to 1991 ; 30 companies paid the same amount ; and the fees of six increased at a level below the rate of inflation .
22 Whereas an adult can fairly ‘ comfortably ’ lose a pint of blood , a child losing the same amount may be drained of as much as a third or even half of her total supply .
23 The valiant efforts of at Kilburn brought the total amount raised by the store to over £850. dressed as a clown to sell door knockers and held a collection .
24 She was told that it was the law to pay the full amount and she must pay it in full , and her answer was that it was the law last year that everyone should pay their own bills , and what happened to them ?
25 At first you may need several trials to get the right amount of heating from the bulb .
26 In addition to these plans , each of which would be appropriate for different zones , there should be an overall plan to limit the total amount of traffic in the city as a whole .
27 For those whose parents paid fees , a system of fee remission was in operation , whereby only those with income above a certain level paid the full amount .
28 ‘ I would prefer to see the medical charities emphasizing the large amount of research they sponsor into alternatives to the use of animals , rather than making a big fuss out of this ’ , says Michael Balls , chairman of the trustees of the Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments , and until recently professor of medical cell biology at the University of Nottingham .
29 For social research workers to derive the maximum amount of benefit from published data they need to bring some order into their understanding of it , and for this some classification of documentary sources is needed .
30 However , a random file generally occupies more space than a serial file holding the same amount of data because the records must be a fixed length and some of the records will be empty .
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