Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] an eye [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I went to school leaving Mum keeping an eye on them .
2 December 's page from the RAF Museum 's find 1992 calendar — a Hurricane of 615 Squadron keeping an eye on two Stirlings of 15 Squadron , from the canvas of John Young .
3 Grandmother Margot 's pacemaker explodes in the crematorium oven , a minor atomic blast in a country trying to go non-nuclear ; a local urchin loses an eye in a fight at the cousin Urvill 's restored castle ( and has it replaced with an artificial one cast at the McHoans ' Gallansch glass works ) ; Rory and brother-in-law Fergus pass a nightmare night in a hill-top bothy with cannabis , whisky , a rat , two guns and one shattering revelation as props .
4 To have a Coronation Street star and Cilla Black introducing your rallies showed an eye for the bathetic .
5 A good general practitioner keeps an eye on the health of his elderly patients , knows the score , and can conduct the whole orchestra of welfare on their behalf when they need it .
6 Had no such provision been made , and had it merely been left to the initiative of backbenchers to keep an eye on instruments tabled , it is highly probable that many instruments would become or remain law with never a critical eye being cast over them .
7 With a good , happy and well-looked-after staff and a first-class butler in charge of everything , all you needed was a committee of half a dozen blokes who were elected by popular vote to keep an eye on things and keep things lively , come up with new ideas , that sort of stuff .
8 Whilst reading the following paragraphs keep an eye on checklist 2 , and also consider the program personality headings together with program style suggestions , as decisions about these will influence the presentation of the content of the lesson and affect the environment finally created in the classroom .
9 Opana kept an eye on the returning aircraft in spite of the devious routes they flew back to the carriers .
10 Rosa cast an eye at her mother 's frowning back where she attended to some task and tried to exchange a glance of impatience with Tommaso .
11 Director PAUL VERHOEVEN tells EDWARD MURPHY about courting controversy and growing up in a nightmare , while KIM NEWMAN casts an eye over the overblown finished product
12 Rosa gently teased Erika about the vestigial romance but was serious about the advice she gave , that Erika was not , repeat not , to get involved with a boy-friend , especially with the Indoor Championships drawing nearer , and with the Ministry of Sport keeping an eye on her .
13 The Response controller keeps an eye on its peripherals by constantly ‘ polling ’ them in sequence .
14 These days I pay someone from Brides Haven to come over here at regular intervals to keep an eye on the place . ’
15 I 've asked Lissa to keep an eye on the computer .
16 He believed he could outmanoeuvre and trap the English King ; he too had his spy at Godstowe to keep an eye on Corbett .
17 During the summer months I can usually get away with leaving my boat conveniently tied up to the pier , but only if I am at home to keep an eye on the weather : in Shetland , even in summer , a gale can blow up from the south east , causing a swell to set into the voe .
18 Nobody has the monopoly of wisdom and it 's important , it seems to me , that you have economists keeping an eye on the economics of the situation , sociologists looking after the cultural and individual choice sides , psychologists , people 's appraisal of their environment , geographers saying this sort of development is more appropriate there because of environmental conditions than there , and so on .
19 Four of them are bubbling around the kitchen and the other two are in the front room keeping an eye on the visitors , roped up on the floor watching two blacks the size of quarter-backs shaking through their jackets .
20 He could do worse than spend his evening keeping an eye on her .
21 The minor planning applications do not fall into the Associations remit although Ruth Wilson keeps an eye on all that is going on .
22 The minor planning applications do not fall into the Associations remit although Ruth Wilson keeps an eye on all that is going on .
23 The Queen Mother is also a shrewd judge of character who makes it her business to keep an eye on new members of the family and , if necessary , step in to protect her beloved ‘ firm ’ .
24 I 'd hired a team of private investigators to keep an eye on you after your house was ransacked , and I was just ringing through to them to let them know where you were . ’
25 One point to keep an eye on here is that the page printer has sufficient memory , a full page graphic at 300 dots per inch needs about 1M of RAM .
26 Dunan and twenty Hearthwares were out in the Circle to keep an eye on them anyway .
27 He despatched various officers to villages north of the Thames , and local PCs kept an eye on the sparse river crossings in case James should double back into Berkshire .
28 Oh Mr kept an eye on us .
29 Certainly , there remain some domains of research which are disinterested , but the incentive to have an eye to the main chance grows .
30 Ernest had an eye for detail , and Undertown displays this to the hilt .
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