Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] together [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 IBM Corp , Hewlett-Packard Co and DEC got together at the Open Software Foundation 's Challenge'93 shindig in Boston last week to demonstrate their implementations of the Distributed Computing Environment .
2 For example ‘ the ’ is signalled by two fingers placed together in the shape of a T , touching the ear indicates ‘ sounds like ’ , patting your hand on your head means ‘ name ’ , and it is often helpful to indicate the number of words by fingers .
3 Friends and colleagues past and present got together at the Brunswick Arms in Stamford Street to give him a big send off .
4 It was like a valedictory speech , possibly the last big statement he would utter as Leader of the Opposition , the opportunity to deliver a personal justification of what he did to try and ensure that Labour 's values joined together with the popular vote to save the party from the political wilderness .
5 On the 20th of March Katherine and Beatrice dined together at the Closerie des Lilas .
6 Thereafter , there will be a brief entertainment – coffee – and an opportunity to meet together in the Undercroft .
7 In the thirteenth century the decoration of manuscripts was passing out of the hands of the religious houses to artists grouped together within the towns and working for patrons both lay and ecclesiastical .
8 Think of rock concerts where they have those banks of giant speakers grouped together on the stage .
9 Final results of Sunday 's first round of voting , as given by the ministry of the interior , showed that the conservative alliance of the neo-Gaullist RPR and the centrist UDF had won 39.5 per cent of the vote ( 44.2 per cent if parties grouped together as the ‘ diverse right ’ are included ) .
10 Playing at an altitude of over 5,000 feet and in humid conditions , Canada introduced only two new caps , B.C. no.8 Colin McKenzie and Scott MacKinnon , the Ontario wing who joined flanker Gord to give Canada its first instance of brothers appearing together in the same international side .
11 It was on this trip that a remarkable partnership came together for the first time .
12 It strikes me the symbolism of this whole venture would be better were it he and Andy balancing together on the seat , but I get the impression Andy 's partner is n't fully into such flamboyance .
13 But what of Serbia , which has the power to wreck any deal cobbled together by the others ?
14 I welcome the fact that the industry gets together with the Minister 's representative and with representatives of other Departments , and I welcome the agreement to cease advertising in cinemas and to support an advertising campaign about illegal sales to children under 16 .
15 THE NUCLEUS sits at the heart of the atom , its constituent protons and neutrons bound together by the strong nuclear force .
16 In other augmented canons it is common to repeat faster parts , so that all voices end together with the augmentation .
17 There is no strong co-operative tradition anywhere in our educational system , and the National Curriculum above all offers an opportunity for groups of teachers , parents and schools to think together about the nature and delivery of curriculum .
18 MP and JF to get together in the meantime , to see if any short-term improvements are possible .
19 Perhaps his heart and mind leaped together at the daily realisation of his dream to take his beloved Johnson on this tour to these parts .
20 Individuals and small parties join together in the open water outside the kelp beds , where they swim up and down as if trying to get the courage to attempt the last lap .
21 Charles 's territories could already have been described as an empire , in the sense that he ruled over a collection of different political units held together by the allegiance his subjects felt they owed him rather than through a sense of common institutions or common language which could serve as the foundation for a unifying national spirit .
22 But I repeat if we are united in a common baptism united together as the body of Christ in the world the primary union in Christ is acknowledged .
23 Slip lasting has uppers sewn together under the insole .
24 An anti-terrorist law enacted on Sept. 26 threatened to upset the government 's current peace talks with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia ( FARC ) and the National Liberation Army ( ELN ) guerrilla groups acting together as the Simón Bolívar National Guerrilla Co-ordinating Board ( CNGSB ) .
25 There is nothing to prevent eleven ( or fewer ) Member States entering into a treaty between themselves on matters outside or additional to the existing treaties — indeed the Maastricht Treaty itself , as is well known , envisages less than twelve Member States acting together in the ‘ new ’ areas of Monetary Union and Social policy — and in that sense can hardly be regarded as deepening the Community as previously defined .
26 Er , yes , well , I 'd , I 'd , er , I 'd like to make two proposals , first of all that we formally congratulate our officers for leading the team that er , put together this successful bid , erm , but I 'd also like to say something about these concerns about the boundaries because it 's Oswestry again , amongst mainly the sort of north of the county around Oswestry , which like with the rural development area , could be left out , and , of course , economic development does n't stop at a parish boundary people cross it , it 's part of their economic activity and erm , I know that some of the sort of proposed projects put together for the use of this five B money , er , around the Oswestry area , are extremely desirable projects , er , and are achievable projects , and it would be a tragedy if er , if they were , if , if we failed to achieve them because of er , a kind of a bureaucratic dotted line which say you ca n't have the money because you 're the wrong side of the line .
27 Fierce repression failed to eliminate the growing strength of the Social Democrats , and in 1887 , after decades of faction fighting , the groups came together at the Hainfeld Congress to form a single multinational party under the foremost Social Democrat , Victor Adler .
28 Jews and Arabs lived together in the street , speaking each other 's language with some fluency , and it was an Israeli Jew who first pointed to the white house .
29 The third part , " Hiroshima Collection " , is a meticulously photographed series of artefacts from the 6,600 articles gathered together in the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum .
30 For most of this century it is those disorders gathered together under the heading of ‘ schizophrenia ’ that have been used as the paradigm for trying to describe and understand psychosis .
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