Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [prep] [det] other " in BNC.

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1 This in turn causes the protein to fold up in an incorrect way , which results in the haemoglobin molecules sticking to each other .
2 The arm-chair socialists were too engrossed in scoring advantage points over each other and so paid no attention to the bell-ringer .
3 It may be advantageous to both groups to liaise with each other over the monitoring of Little Mill and Fishers Brae corner .
4 But worse still , just as the Poet and the Mistress connived at each other 's deception in 138 , just as the Poet connived at the Friend 's deception in 93 , so in 112 the Poet is inviting the Friend to complete the circle : ‘ For what care I who calls me well or ill , /So you o'er-green my bad , my good allow ? ’
5 This process of dealing with her impressions was dovetailed into her everyday tasks without the two activities interfering with each other .
6 The kitchen looks like any other to be found in an establishment catering for large numbers .
7 In fact , unknown to the traveller , who was no more a geologist than a naturalist , he was about to step over the geological phenomenon of two prehistoric ages crunching into each other as noticeably as jagged waves hitting a large smooth stone .
8 On an untitled piece by Richard Downes and Thomas Roper , it reads ‘ Two performers interact with each other using two heavy concrete curves as a channel for their communication . ’
9 The intention is that the members of the household should have an opportunity to communicate with each other , to sense their unity as a family , and to enjoy time set aside from the normal rush of daily life .
10 the historical biography of the relationship between carer and cared for : how far was it possible for people with a long history on one particular level to relate to each other on a level of physical intimacy , faced with the disgust that caring often demands .
11 Sectors and units borrow from each other in many different ways .
12 And when Jessie did n't answer , she went on , her words tumbling over each other now , ‘ You 're mad .
13 Her words tumbled over each other .
14 The words tumbled over each other in her eagerness. ‘ 'T WOULD only be for a day or so while I try to get a message to the Queen .
15 As we have seen above , discount houses and other members of the monetary sector have substantial short-term funds lent to each other .
16 Incorporating this object-oriented technology in UEC II will enable applications written in different Motif environments to communicate with each other by treating services such as e-mail , fax , and file naming as objects , OMG says .
17 American lady says its two schools rowing against each other … true amateurs and its wonderful
18 A taxi driver told Gloucester Crown Court that he saw two drivers laughing at each other as they roared past him nose-to-tail just before the crash .
19 She was being carried into strange , alien territory , grim and bleak , in and out of stations with unfamiliar names , where the porters shouted to each other in uncouth accents .
20 That the Empire grew in power is certain , but there were civil wars , periods where there was no Emperor , where rival Emperors warred against each other , and times when Orcs and Goblins plundered the lands .
21 And moments later the two met face to face — as their cars crashed into each other on a winding single-track road .
22 However , linear precedence has been shown to be a significant factor affecting the manner in which words associate with each other [ Church & hanks , 1989 ] .
23 If two vowels combine , they form a diphthong , the two shapes blending into each other in quick succession .
24 Thus , our holiday video turns out to be a series of boxes within boxes , of shots related to each other within sequences , and sequences related to each other within an overall structure which has to be made clear to the audience .
25 The two cars slammed into each other several times as they sped along a quiet tree-lined avenue before the youths finally forced her into a garden .
26 The presence of tattoo shops , ‘ topless ’ discothèques which offered dancing and music almost twenty-four hours a day were a reminder that Copenhagen was an active and important port , yet the overall effect was charming and romantic as flowers spilled out of window-boxes and the cafés and restaurants vied with each other to attract custom by the quality of their food and their individual décor .
27 The early torch consisted of little more than impregnated rushes twisted about each other .
28 Subjects depend on each other .
29 They studied each other in the dark car , their faces taut , their eyes glittering over each other .
30 The speeding Audi and the Volvo slammed into each other with sufficient force to buckle the Audi 's grille and shatter both headlights .
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