Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [verb] [art] present " in BNC.

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1 The Personnel Manager has advised Heads of Department to continue to operate the present voluntary screening programme except : —
2 Id like to see the present formation kept as is .
3 The research aims to identify the present economic contribution of wildlife/nature conservation resources and to evaluate the potential for their further economic development .
4 The National Guard , the Treasury Police , the Customs Police , some special battalions and all paramilitary groups would be dissolved and a new civilian national police force established to replace the present military-controlled force .
5 Continuous modifications over the years have left the present course as a lovely example of rural heathland golf .
6 The discount factor used to calculate the present values of the redemption prices of the bonds is the yield to equivalent life , so we have to calculate the yield to equivalent life before we can calculate the equivalent life itself .
7 The White Paper proposes splitting the present Lothian Region three ways :
8 Ortega blamed Alemán , Alfredo César — the leader of the PSD — and Vice-President Virgilio Godoy for " sowing discord , hatred , violence and destabilization " , but urged Sandinistas to work to overcome the present crisis .
9 This is a scandal not merely because police stations are not equipped to hold prisoners for more than a day or two — everyone from Lord Justice Woolf to the Inspectorate Constabulary has condemned the present arrangement — but because police cells are now being used as a convenience to enable the Prison Department and the Home Secretary to claim that overcrowding in prisons is diminished .
10 In 1903 a German syndicate began building the present sanatorium and the Hospital of Marmeleiros .
11 There was a lot of criticism of the way our party had conducted the present government ; this , combined with the fact that our constituency was a safe Conservative seat , meant that we had a shortage of enthusiastic workers .
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