Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [prep] response to " in BNC.

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1 Ideologies change in response to material circumstances and needs and the 1970 rock/pop shift was not just the result of some random play of stars and influences .
2 It was the not fault of my client , that just as the Visitor seemed to be gaining the trust of the young person who is the subject of this enquiry ( she was a child when the case was first brought to their attention as in need of care and protection but is now classed as a young person ) she was transferred because of area reorganisation undertaken in response to changes in government policy , and that the officer who took over the case was hospitalised shortly after she assumed her new duties .
3 Another idea thrown up by interferon research has been to make synthetic analogues of the 2',5'-oligoadenylate molecules formed in response to interferon and which activate the nuclease enzyme to break down viral messenger RNA .
4 The rural industry developed in response to a growing national demand for boots and shoes , together with the need for military and naval footwear during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars ; the construction of canals and later the railways opened up distant markets .
5 Gall bladder emptying in response to graded CCK8 stimulation was impaired in five of 11 patients with cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy , whereas it was normal in the patients without cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy ( p<0.01 ) .
6 In the present study we found that five asymptomatic diabetic patients with cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy had impaired gall bladder emptying in response to graded doses of cholecystokinin 8 .
7 These results closely agree with a study of Stone and coworkers who , using cholesintigraphy , observed a 21% reduction of gall bladder emptying in response to a maximal dose of cholecystokinin 8 in diabetic patients with cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy in comparison with patients without cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy .
8 A reduced gall bladder emptying in response to a meal and to infusion of CCK-33 has been reported in such patients .
9 If a dose dependent increase in gastric acid secretion occurs in response to intravenous infusion of ethanol it must be in the lower dose range .
10 Kenya administrators also discovered the ‘ importance and usefulness of [ cattle ] sales as a meeting place for the transaction of official business ’ , but except in wartime , when the army needed meat , veterinary quarantines imposed in response to pressure from representatives of the European livestock industry meant that such sales were not a prominent feature of life in Kenya Masai District .
11 Overwhelmingly , improvements in roads and waterways happened in response to existing economic pressures and prospects .
12 Alyssia 's pulses raced in response to his words and their seductive intimacy .
13 Studies to determine the effects of increased cardiac output on uterine bloodflow are ethically difficult and not performed , but ( Barton et al , 1974 ) showed that in pregnant sheep the uterine vessels constrict in response to circulating norepinephrine and epinephrine , while animal studies have shown that plasma catecholamines increase during exercise in response to the intensity and duration of the exercise .
14 Creditor business continues to be affected by the poor economic climate but the rating action taken in response to current levels of unemployment is resulting in an improving trend particularly in the second half of the year .
15 Similar to gastric parietal cells , the plasma membrane of HGT-1 cells bears H 2 receptors and intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate ( cAMP ) concentrations rise in response to histamine .
16 Practice changed in response to arguments made in the context of adjudication , as arguments about what judges should do in particular cases , not in special miniconstitutional conventions .
17 This action comes in response to the House of Commons agricultural select committee which , seven months prior to the publication of its report , urged that there should be more research into " mad cow " disease .
18 His fingertip barely touched the place it should have been , but the smile had faded , replaced by tension , and Luke 's eyes darkened in response to the turbulence that had entered hers .
19 The research will focus especially on the preparation of proposals written in response to several key interdisciplinary initiatives , and on the papers , reports and discussions and participants accounts that are related to these proposals .
20 The decision came in response to an acute fuel shortage which worsened during December .
21 The decision came in response to an acute fuel shortage which worsened during December .
22 There is , of course , no doubt that a payment made in response to an unlawful demand under duress or compulsion may be recovered .
23 Although this proposition is wide enough to cover payment made in response to an illegal demand it was stated in the context of a court order of which the compulsitor must be assumed to be very much stronger than that of a mere demand which has yet to be enforced .
24 This guarantee covers only advance payment sent in direct response to an advertisement in this magazine ( not , for example , payment made in response to catalogues and so on , received as a result of answering such advertisements ) .
25 Pulses of dissolved silica develop in response to the net rates of sand-grain dissolution and of precipitation of secondary minerals .
26 For Klein , it is the defensive mechanisms the child develops in response to its sense of anxiety which form the basic building blocks of ego development .
27 That gastric metaplasia develops in response to acid hypersecretion has been found both experimentally and in human studies .
28 The campaign came in response to a spate of fatal stabbings and involved extra police officers being drafted in to patrol late-night trouble spots .
29 The work made in response to this moment often gains immensely from a period of marination in further reading and research .
30 The cups rattled in response to her uncontrollable trembling .
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