Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] draw up [art] " in BNC.

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1 In consultation with the New York-based executive headhunter firm , Russel Reynolds & Associates , the search committee drew up a list of candidates , all directors or former directors of American museums .
2 J K Galbraith drew up a range of alternative situations as shown on the next page :
4 Mr Browning drew up a chair for her , as nice as could be , and sat down himself .
5 Each year business managers draw up a budget and suggest a series of financial targets .
6 HM Inspectorate helped in various ways and Statistics Division of the Scottish Office Education Department drew up the sample of schools at short notice .
7 Meanwhile , the kitchen was being gutted and an architect friend drew up an entirely new conception for the space , involving limed Spanish oak , wrought-iron brackets ( many bought at David de Spenceley 's antiques salvage warehouse in Fulham ) and 300-watt pinpoints of light hidden in the ceiling .
8 The entire ZTT organisation drew up a blueprint for world domination which was a product of the desire to change the pop star syndrome .
9 Undeterred , supporters of civil rights legislation drew up a similar bill for consideration in 1991 .
10 AMDEA represents about 90 per cent of the companies that make domestic electrical equipment in Britain and was the first trade association to draw up a code of practice approved by the OFT .
11 One such plan was Reith 's appointment of Patrick Abercrombie and the LCC architect J. H. Forshaw to draw up a scheme for the rebuilding of London .
12 In 1775 the Physiocrat Dupont de Nemours drew up an elaborate scheme for a hierarchy of local and provincial representative assemblies with a national one as its culminating point .
13 At the far end of the century , in June 1596 , Lord Burghley drew up a note of matters to be considered by Queen and Council .
14 At the end of last year , and with the help of its publishers ' advisory committee , the Council 's Libraries , Books and Information Division drew up a book promotion policy .
15 A mathematician , he and his care manager drew up a list of 12 unmet needs .
16 On March 11 , opposition groups led by George Serban drew up the Timisoara Declaration , a document calling for the banning of ex-communists from public office , a purge of the bureaucracy and democratic reforms .
17 The panel members drew up the report after extensive visits to each Park , and to the Norfolk Broads , which enjoys similar status .
18 Early on , we commissioned the architect Terry Farrell to draw up a scheme showing exactly this .
19 In an effort to distract him , Sister Cooney had encouraged Doctor Staples to draw up a new and exacting regimen of exercises for him which she would supervise herself .
20 A relocation team representing all parts of the business and every production shift drew up a military-style plan to carry out the operation .
21 On April 30 Lekhanya announced proposals to set up a national constituent assembly to draw up a new constitution .
22 A conference on Aug. 16-19 attended by representatives of 14 political parties as well as church , trade union , student and business leaders , called for the establishment of an all-party transitional government which would conduct elections for a constituent assembly to draw up a new constitution .
23 Opposition parties repeated their call for the election of a national constituent assembly to draw up a new constitution .
24 Namibia 's more than 700,000 residents are voting for a 72-member constituent assembly to draw up an independence constitution and prepare the way for full independence next year , perhaps as early as April .
25 On Feb. 27 health ministers from 10 Latin American countries met in Buenos Aires to draw up a joint anti-cholera plan [ for April 1991 meeting see p. 38142 ] .
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