Example sentences of "managed [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The herbicide Agent Orange and all that it represents , from carpet bombing of rainforests to bulldozing them down and removing their topsoil , managed to demolish a fifth of Vietnam 's tree cover and to replace it , in great stretches , with a moonscape of bomb craters .
2 My eyes gradually became accustomed to the gloom , and I managed to grope my way to the station .
3 I did n't get much opportunity to talk to for any length of time but she managed to arrange to meet with the others with young babies and we planned to get together again later that week .
4 Brigadier Smithson , who was apparently due to go on leave the next day , rang Southern Command and managed to arrange that he should go straight to London by train after the conference .
5 A visiting Algerian delegation managed to arrange a tentative ceasefire on May 6 and negotiations opened to try and halt the fighting .
6 I managed to arrange that .
7 He somehow managed to pound down to Kouklia on Chennaa , half by night and half by blazing day , and crossing the island was able to see for himself that it had been a more settled and prosperous year .
8 Lewes managed to thrive notwithstanding .
9 By avoiding moguls and offpiste , I managed to enjoy two full weeks of skiing with the assurance that my knee would n't give way when I put my weight on it .
10 Local reporters were keen to know how he managed to carry out his civic duties , to which Mr Snyder replied blithely that fellow committee members sat beside him during screenings and gave a running commentary ‘ to fill me in when the screen goes silent ’ .
11 Dad Mark managed to carry her to safety before the alarm burst into flames .
12 The doctors said they did n't know how I managed to carry on in such pain . ’
13 The weekend was all too much for Peckett 2087 which had virtually failed by the end of Monday , but managed to carry out its demonstration goods train duties on both days .
14 It was only with the greatest difficulty that the crew managed to carry out an emergency landing at Detroit .
15 During the following months the School managed to carry on , but the atmosphere must have been one of great despondency .
16 During the 1950s British urban roads managed to carry heavy and patently increasing traffic volumes through a variety of incremental schemes .
17 In spite of the stormy weather we managed to carry out fairly regular patrols between Oban and Stornoway , covering the principal fishing ports of the mainland coast and also those of the Outer Hebrides .
18 ‘ I managed to carry through the hijacking 80 per cent .
19 There was a spring in my step and when Craig Brewster played a nice through ball into the box , my old legs managed to carry me there and I got a second goal that I did n't expect . ’
20 The lieutenant had n't gone fifteen yards before the first bullet hit him , but somehow he still managed to carry on until he reached the wire .
21 Do you think , for example , in Germany , in the nineteen-thirties , there was just an evil genius , Hitler , who managed to carry all before him , or do you think that the , the people as a whole were ready to be persuaded along those particular lines ?
22 For two weeks they managed to evade the press .
23 But Jackie Tiptoe managed to evade her vigilance .
24 There was also Captain Hawes , another ex-serviceman , who was finally executed for robberies on the moor ; Whitney , the butcher , who was feared for his savagery and barbarism ; Captain Stafford , a Londoner who found fame on the moor , and Thomas Simpson ( Old Mob ) who , although hideously ugly , managed to evade capture regularly by disguising himself as a woman .
25 For once they managed to evade the searchlights , dodge the guard-dogs , tunnel under the barbed wire and make it back to the sanctuary of their bunks before Stein and the Stalag Squad knew they were gone .
26 When I did find her , she always managed to evade me like a will-o'-the-wisp , and then I would lose her again .
27 At fourteen his probation officer suggested he should be sent to borstal , but Gary managed to evade that fate .
28 A He111 appeared over the Fleet soon after the Hurricanes had departed and this was chased by the Fulmar patrol but managed to evade them and escape .
29 There is no doubt that large numbers of illegal immigrants infiltrated the UK by sea in small craft which managed to evade our controls .
30 Five of the seven , including Zejnulahu and Malja , managed to evade arrest , however .
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