Example sentences of "knowing that " in BNC.

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1 So when S knows that p , it is his knowing that is his disposition , not what he knows .
2 Evert 's victory left Navratilova knowing that victory over Helena Sukova , the Czech No. 1 , would secure the United States a place in the final for the 18th time in 27 years .
3 ‘ I must say it makes you wonder what the Security Police are up to not knowing that — and Steinmark working with secret archives . ’
4 The mood of Bank Holiday reflects that of a nation knowing that war must come , but other films dealt more directly with the storm clouds building up on the other side of the Channel .
5 It means I can now play solidly for the next 18 months knowing that tennis is not the be-all and end-all . ’
6 Brixton finished the season undefeated , though they had gone into the match knowing that defeat would give Britannia the title on sets won .
7 I fear he will be too late , but Dettori can enjoy the consolation of knowing that Sangster rates him ‘ on a par with Pat Eddery , Willie Carson and Steve Cauthen ’ and will still employ him when the situation allows .
8 Often at this time of day , when he felt the day 's journey should be ending or reaching a destination , but knowing that it was not , knowing that what he was looking for probably happened after everybody else had gone home , he wished that he could end his days walking at the edge of a sea or a lake so big that you could n't see its other shore .
9 It 's precious meeting the odd soul on a high top and passing the time of day with them , knowing that no matter who or what they are , you share the same interests in wildlife , wilderness and solitude .
10 Nutty declined the offer , knowing that what disappeared into the depths of Gloria 's handbag was not likely to surface again in a hurry .
11 You may be asking for inner guidance on a daily basis , not knowing that inspiration is already being given to you every time the need arises within your life .
12 It was cruel that he had to die so soon after all he had suffered ; it would have been more cruel if he had died alone , in the dark , knowing that rescue was at hand ; at least he knew the relief of the rescue and died in the comfort of his own bed .
13 Maybe you want to be cautious , knowing that to try and do a work of God by the flesh is to court disaster and possibly a nervous breakdown for good measure .
14 He glanced towards Grégoire , knowing that happiness sprang from him ; he had brought Edouard love ; he had also given back to him a sense of purpose .
15 You come and go with your offerings of help and affection , knowing that what they really need is a constant presence , and sometimes this knowledge can be as painful for you as it is for them .
16 Having discovered that if he took cinchona or Peruvian bark , from which quinine is derived , he developed the symptoms and signs of intermittent fever ( malaria ) , and knowing that cinchona was an effective treatment for malaria , Hahnemann went on to experiment with other substances in use at the time to see what symptoms and signs they would produce .
17 That is why there is often a sense of knowing that person already .
18 But if the being of an individual woman is sufficiently strong and well-developed , then , knowing that light to be there deep within her , she can allow it to permeate the whole of her presence , refining and changing her very substance rather as a lamp when it is lit makes an apparently opaque glass shade appear translucent .
19 I wiped my eyes and felt a bit better , knowing that Granny was taking my message with her to heaven .
20 ‘ My reaction was to hit him where it hurts , you are not with some for 27 years without knowing that . ’
21 He 'll probably enjoy knowing that .
22 Knowing that to say anything about this would lead to further ridicule and isolation at school , and open disbelief from my family , I decided to ignore it .
23 It was knowing that surgery could work miracles that helped him overcome fears about the daunting operation .
24 ‘ I think it made it easier knowing that I only had myself to blame .
25 But Leeds boss Doug Laughton , knowing that Lindner would not be available until early November because of the World Cup final , switched his attentions to Iro .
26 ‘ I 've no way of knowing that , ’ he said more quietly .
27 No way could that be put knowing that
28 But McNab continued as he always had , grave and rather lugubrious , knowing that given time , the " cholera cloud " would move on , too , and that his own view would come to be accepted but this would only happen imperceptibly and not , perhaps , like a cloud passing , but more in the way that sediment settles in a glass of muddy water .
29 She could have wept , knowing that what he said was true , feeling confirmed and supported .
30 And so it emerges that on the conditional theory of knowledge it is possible to know that p and to know that p implies q without knowing that q .
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