Example sentences of "walking [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A critic walking for the first time into a gallery may describe a colour in a picture as blue ; it will have been the scrupulous task of a conservator to have established that the particular colour in question was Prussian blue , and thus can not date before the eighteenth century .
2 I carry on walking for quite a bit .
3 I reckon I should nearly be home by now — I been walking for ages .
4 I reckon I been walking for hours now .
5 I try walking for a bit with my eyes closed proper , but I keep having to open them cos I 'm scared I 'm going to bump into summat .
6 And proud too , cos blimey , I been walking for ages and when I get back home she 'll think I been real clever to find my own way back , and I ai n't got a yellow card or nothing .
7 Walking for money THOSE not up to the London Marathon can instead walk for charity in aid of Enterprise Neptune , the National Trust 's appeal to save unspoilt countryside .
8 Walking for the Earth
9 Newman had stopped walking for a few moments , his mind racing .
10 Now , after I had been walking for only seventeen days , I had almost forgotten those words .
11 But after walking for about fifty yards we came to another thinner wall of barbed wire with a gate in it .
12 I must have been walking for nearly an hour , he thought .
13 After walking for approximately a quarter of a mile he stopped outside a small detached cottage on his left .
14 ‘ I do n't know what he meant , ’ Allen said after they had been walking for some time on the soft turf at the verge of the track .
15 Every year the Bārakotes brought their buffaloes north , walking for ten days , because their own pastures were overgrazed and arid .
16 If you have been sedentary for some time and are not used to physical exertion , then you should begin slowly , walking for no more than 20 minutes every other day , at a pace which stretches you but does not overtire you .
17 After you have been walking for about ten minutes take your pulse .
18 And remember that you are walking for the psychological benefits as well as the fitness and slimness benefits .
19 Wait until your baby has been walking for a few weeks before taking her for the first shoe fitting , as toes are crucial in gripping the floor while learning to toddle .
20 Benjamin , who had been walking for a month , found himself less welcome in his mother 's room and followed Ruth around the house like a pet lamb .
21 She has been walking for an hour a day for more than a year , but very slowly .
22 After walking for some time , having covered about half the distance between the two stations , Willie became aware of a steady , yet rather unnerving sound just ahead as if someone was hammering the rails .
23 I 'd been walking for 45 minutes when I was hailed by a local farmer who had seen me on the moonlit road .
24 His walk began at Passo Della Cisa , north of La Spezia , and he expects to be walking for six weeks or more .
25 Because of their ill-fitting saddles and the fact that the Austrians did not follow the practice of the British cavalry of riding for an hour and walking for an hour to rest their horses , most of the animals developed sore backs .
26 We believe that everyone will need to use the private car more selectively — possibly cycling or walking for short journeys or using public transport where this is possible . ’
27 After walking for some time through the wood Valdemar put his finger to his lips and motioned us to be quiet .
28 We went on walking for a while , in silence .
29 ‘ I 've been walking for a week . ’
30 Hill-walking in remote and wild areas can be risky if you are not prepared , because the weather can change completely in as little as half an hour , and then you can find yourself walking for hours in driving wind and rain .
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