Example sentences of "to try the " in BNC.

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1 I did go down to my local Citizens ' Advice Bureau to see if they had any ideas , but all they could do was pass on the news that there was a squeeze on the social fund ( the emergency payments fund ) , so I was well advised not to expect too much if I did decide to try the social security people .
2 As the days went by , I did start to try the newspapers and job centres again — anywhere in fact that I thought might find me either a job or a home .
3 I decided to try the ‘ little old lady who 's lost her ticket ’ routine , but I was rumbled immediately and directed politely but firmly to the station manager 's office .
4 ‘ No reason I can see not to try the goulash . ’
5 Dick Hern , who announced the decision yesterday , would not elaborate on the reason for choosing the easier option of the Champion Stakes , but Willie Carson , Nashwan 's rider , has said he would be loathe to try the horse at Longchamp again .
6 Was Morley wrong to try the stuff ?
7 My English travelling companion was game to try the dulse seaweed , which is a speciality in Ballycastle , so I went into a little shop on the seafront .
8 Evaluation — where the potential customer decides whether or not to try the product out
9 The Prince wanted BitC to try the same idea in Britain .
10 Oh well , if she was unwise enough to come to tea , Gina was unlikely to try the same thing again .
11 I have thought carefully about the effect of antibiotics and hormones in meat , and I would like to try the diet Leslie Kenton recommends .
12 ‘ Now I want to try the other . ’
13 She walked through the Bacon room again , avoiding the central figure , deciding to try the place with the barrels .
14 As a last resort , Richard Baxter decided to try the Bishop of Worcester to seek his permission to return to Kidderminster , even though he knew the Bishop was no friend of the Gospel , and even though many of his friends entreated him not to go fearing his arrest .
15 Having holidayed previously in Sunwing Crete and enjoyed excellent standards of service and accommodation synonymous with the Sunwing name , we decided to try the island of Lanzarote under the same safe banner .
16 They decided to try the Commemorative Hall .
17 Seeing my interest was now aroused , I was invited to try the unit myself on a day 's diving .
18 A surgical colleague , G. E. Linskog , agreed to try the treatment in human patients .
19 Conceivably ( although I would reserve the point ) in an extreme case the court might have to decline to try the issues .
20 Doctor Lovell , who knew both women slightly , suspected that she was brow-beaten by the dominating Ella and would have liked to try the effects of an iron tonic on Dimity 's languid pallor .
21 Everyone volunteered to try the new sport .
22 So , with this result , I decided to try the opposite by pushing down on the boom through the turn .
23 the husband of a client , who would not let the support worker into the house , even though previously he had agreed to try the extra help .
24 A useful scheme is to try the patient on a conventional insulin regime after three to six months on a pump .
25 If one is brave enough to try the draft out on critical , expert colleagues , one can be reasonably sure that what emerges at the end will be free of double questions , ambiguities , leading questions , and so on , and the helpful colleagues , in pretending to be informants , will also probably have thought up some difficult-to-classify answers too .
26 The doctors made monoclonal antibodies against the attacking white cells in the transfused blood and Bryan 's parents agreed to try the treatment in a desperate attempt to save him .
27 New Scientist itself was one of the first to try the new technology .
28 JOHN HIND and STEPHEN MOSCO set out to try the patience of Britain 's most caring MPs
29 But Janice 's fear was so great she struggled through two more migraines before screwing up enough courage to try the injection .
30 We 'd have liked to try the LSE with Lowden 's new preamp system complete with volume and treble/bass controls on the upper bout , but none were available at the time and we 've had to make do with the non-controlled version .
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