Example sentences of "call [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Desperate situations call for desperate measures , ’ said Mr Eames grandly .
2 The Arab League 's proposals call for cabinet veto power over presidential decisions , thus reducing Maronite control over the government and more accurately reflecting the strength of Lebanon 's majority Muslim population .
3 Call for new inquiry into plane disaster : Marc Champion in Washington explains why some investigators suspect the US and Canadian governments hushed up the reasons for a 1985 plane crash
4 Squash : Call for fairer sex to play fair
5 Call for ivory trade ban tops conference agenda
6 Spanish bishops call for anti-ETA vote
7 Call for blasphemy law change
8 Call for sacking of conservation convention chief
9 In practical terms they call for the government to help buy and protect the Mar Lodge Estate — 77 000 acre plot of land in the Cairngorms which has been up for sale since May .
10 Call for more open spaces
11 Bullock 's call for worker-directors was generally derided as utopian .
12 These long-term contracts differ from shorter or one-off agreements ( for endorsements or live performances ) because they almost always call for musicians ' exclusive services .
13 These call for a minimum level of earnings at strategic intervals throughout the relationship .
14 The relevance of this variant comes earlier in the poem whose opening stanzas call for a painting of Ariadne deserted on Naxos .
15 Production plans — such as they are — call for five of the tube-framed , composite-bodied Parcours to be built next year for research , development and type approval , and for annual production after that to run around 100 cars a year .
16 Overtime and pay concern prompts call for urgent talks .
17 ‘ We call for a priority to be given immediately to new legislation which will actively facilitate the re-entry into our society of those at present disadvantaged within it . ’
18 The auditors find fault with every stage of the ministry 's work and call for a review of site research for road improvements after the cost of improving the A6 at Chapel-en-le-Frith , Derbyshire , had jumped from £17 million to £36 million when an embankment and retaining wall collapsed .
19 They call for a review of the procedures , noting no proper guidance on sanctions against contractors and that the ministry , the Scottish Office and the Welsh Office have all had problems ‘ recovering any significant proportion of the costs of remedial work . ’
20 Leaders call for rebels to disband .
21 WHEN President Ceausescu of Romania ordains his forces to shoot on his own people after they call for democracy and bread , and causes mass deaths whose numbers can only be guessed , Nato and Warsaw Pact countries cry shame and horror .
22 The Small Business Advice Bureau said there was not much call for banksia-blossom owls .
23 I call for his immediate resignation and the transfer of power to a collective body , the Council of the Federation …
24 Although America 's electronics industries are keen for the government to renew the parts of this agreement that call for the Japanese to buy more American chips , their ardour for price-fixing has cooled .
25 The Coase theorem and the further work it inspired have demolished the presumption that externalities and public goods automatically call for government intervention .
26 It will tell the states by April 1 1991 about the shifts in their populations that call for changes in state and local constituency boundaries .
27 About nine in the morning , when he was struck with death , he said , ‘ Call for Mrs Hawkes — she will help me ! ' ’
28 A few throwbacks Christian , Muslim , rationalist , racist , even Green still call for a ‘ return ’ to their own values , but without an army they wo n't get it .
29 Vegan ( strict vegetarian ) meals • Use soya meat or soya beans to make any of the meals listed under ‘ meat meals ’ that call for mince ( for example a soya cottage pie or soya spaghetti bolognese ) ; • jacket potato or bread , salad ( include peas or beans or sweetcorn ) , nuts , fruit ; • vegetable curry and rice , soya milk drink , fruit ; • sliced banana on toast sprinkled with chopped nuts and sultanas ; • baked beans on toast , fruit ; • nut spread and salad sandwiches , fruit ; • lentil or pea soup , bread , fruit .
30 Scientists call for wise use of water
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