Example sentences of "keeping [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They 'll wait it out and they 'll also be keeping Cardiff 's people away .
2 AI drew the King 's attention to the prolonged detention without charge or trial of suspected government opponents , reports of torture , deaths in custody , and the practice of keeping prisoners in manacles .
3 Mr Martin drew Ortega 's attention to the Nicaraguan practice of keeping prisoners standing upright in their cells , a particularly painful and degrading treatment against which Amnesty had been vigorously campaigning .
4 The prisons budget of £775 million in 1988 was set to rise by 42 per cent to £1,140 million in 1989 , to cover the cost of expanding the prison building programme , emergency measures on overcrowding and the costs of keeping prisoners in police cells .
5 Despite the moral panics which occasionally blow up — as for example when two IRA suspects escaped from Brixton prison in July 1991 — the English penal system does not have a bad record over ‘ security ’ , in the sense of keeping prisoners inside prison .
6 The system is also generally successful in keeping prisoners under control — except when prisoners decide to engage in collective protest action or riot .
7 The government also orders , or turns a blind eye to , more violent methods of keeping opponents quiet .
8 What I did in the circumstances was go off into an Ollieish riff about je ne sais quoi , keeping Stu achortle without waking the fair Gillian .
9 It was the water authority of Bradford that was largely instrumental in keeping Washburndale out of the National Parks .
10 ‘ No nest Net ’ is a simple yet brilliant idea for keeping birds , insects , small furry creatures and other pests out of your aeroplane 's engine compartment .
11 You 're not telling me what to do , and you 're not keeping Devlin here . ’
12 I want to upgrade to a much larger reef tank in the near future , but first should I gain much-needed experience in keeping invertebrates before committing myself to the expense of failure with a large tank ?
13 That is one way of keeping shareholders happy , notably the big institutions , who will lose a considerable chunk of their dividend income under the new rules .
14 GAVIN Peacock is keeping Middlesbrough , Chelsea , Swindon and a string of other clubs waiting while he debates his future .
15 Mulching has the added benefit of keeping moisture in the soil during dry weather , when clay is liable to dry out and crack .
16 The actual system is generally placed in an enclosure , which provides a means both for keeping moisture in and for preventing volatile organic compounds from leaving without treatment .
17 The United States shared their interest in keeping Communism out of South America .
18 For years bankers in Paris have taken instructions from the government on everything from bailing out troubled companies to keeping base lending rates low .
19 George had every right to be a bit angry with Lennie because Lennie had caused George to loose his job and Lennie had ‘ adopted ’ George as his family and George knew that it was going to be a long hard task keeping Lennie out of trouble and looking after him .
20 It saddens me to hear some people in Britain speak as if there were some way of keeping Germany divided whether or not this is what the Germans want .
21 It would be a shame to see Rocky dropped again after apparently playing very well since he came into the side , but at the same time I ca n't really see him keeping Strach out of the team .
22 It must have been at that time that his habit of keeping notes on his travels began .
23 Loose-leaf binders are the most flexible means of keeping notes and hand-outs tidy .
24 A very good way is to start by keeping notes of your observations about the running and the outcomes of meetings you attend .
25 This is one reason why cards ( INDEX CARDS ) are popular as a format for keeping notes .
26 Most humans are not very good at keeping secrets .
27 Congress , so it is argued , lacks the information resources of the executive and is neither capable of keeping secrets nor of providing the sort of instant response to crises that modern technology and weaponry demands .
28 He has variously claimed that from farts he can tell not only what people have eaten or drunk , but also the sort of person they are , what they ought to eat , whether they are emotionally unstable or upset , whether they are keeping secrets , laughing at you behind your back or trying to ingratiate themselves with you , and even what they are thinking about at the precise moment they issue the fart ( this largely from the sound ) .
29 Besides , rumours of pictures like this abound , usually seen by rivals in intelligence services ; was Meyer Lansky bad at keeping secrets , even when a secret kept the head of the FBI in his power ?
30 His energy revived , Richard was now intent on keeping Victoria 's company as much to himself as he could for the rest of the day .
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