Example sentences of "provide [prep] " in BNC.

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1 That was why he promoted the idea of the Grand Slam Trust Fund , an opportunity for the four Grand Slam tournaments , as the pinnacles of the game , to make a major contribution to the grass roots on a global basis , over and above the enormous funding they provide for tennis in their own countries .
2 ‘ The future of the capercaillie will depend on how good a habitat we provide for them in our new forests , ’ he said .
3 In fact it seems to this reviewer that Quinton 's framework offers essential support for Eccleshall 's vision of Conservatism , in that the axioms Quinton describes provide for a specifically Conservative conception of political authority and social discipline .
4 Too often some of our Catholic families are not aware of the existence of our excellent senior schools which provide for a solid Catholic education and a growth in faith for our children .
5 The Disabled Persons Act 1986 recommends , but does not legislate , that local authorities should define need and provide for it .
6 ‘ However , unlike previous years , the determinations this year provide for different guideline rent increases in different authorities . ’
7 Energy efficiency , natural gas and the limited contribution to electricity supplies from renewable resources will not be enough to contain increases in carbon dioxide and provide for the needs of a fast-expanding world population .
8 Though he admits he could do with the cash from ticket receipts ( £2.4m at the Science Museum in 1989 , £1.9m at the Natural History ) , Sir David argues that the British Museum ‘ should be freely available to everyone — to stretch minds , stimulate their curiosity and provide for their academic needs . ’
9 If , and to my mind it 's a colossal if , if she managed to seduce him and then told him he was the father-to-be , and if he believed it , it would have been more his style to pack her off home to her parents and provide for her .
10 The established family farms were , mostly , already profitable and the farmers were looking for sufficient income to provide their families with a reasonable standard of living plus sufficient capital to re-invest in the farm and provide for retirement .
11 However , this is to mistake not only the demanding nature of current practice but also the non-punitive knowledge , skills , and values which provide for its success .
12 We will introduce a 110-day limit on the length of time for which a prisoner may be held before trial , repeal the broadcasting ban , and provide for the videotaping of police interviews with terrorist suspects .
13 Recent Draft Treaties provide for majority voting in the Council of Ministers to determine economic policy , to decide whether a member state is running an ‘ excessive ’ budget deficit and to impose the ‘ appropriate penalties ’ if necessary .
14 Shredding and slicing life , in Woolf 's view , menacing it with monotony and madness , in Lawrence 's , clocks provide for modernist fiction more of a threat than a sense of order and regularity .
15 Multiple residential schemes work well only when they involve a total plan for the grounds and setting of a house , and provide for their continued upkeep .
16 Bakeries and dairies provide for the local market .
17 From the loan 's spread a bank endeavours to make some return on its capital resources ( approximately 4 per cent ) used in funding each loan , provide for any subsequent bad debts and meet administrative costs of the lending department .
18 Provide for contiguity and reinforced practice .
19 It , therefore , has two schemes that provide for longer terms funding for particular departments to build up a research programme in a particular area : there are now 150 of these groups at German universities .
20 According to the Limited Partnerships ( Unrestricted Size ) No 1 Regulations 1971 , which provide for limited partnerships in surveying and allied professions beyond the usual maximum of twenty members , not more than one quarter of the total number of partners can be limited partners .
21 Advanced expert systems provide for the integration with conventional applications software .
22 The rules relating to succession to the Crown thus provide for the identification not merely of a part of Parliament but for that of the head of state in all respects .
23 The High Court or an election court ( constituted and functioning in accordance with Parts III and IV of the 1983 Act ) may , on the presentation of an election petition by an interested party ( a voter , a ‘ defeated ’ candidate ) , declare a seat vacant , or provide for the return of another candidate in prescribed circumstances , where there has been irregularity in the conduct of the election campaign or where the ‘ successful ’ candidate is not qualified .
24 It does not do so ; standing orders recognise this position of dominance and provide for the devotion of most of the time of the House of government business , including Bills .
25 Parliament can discriminate on grounds of sex or religion ; or provide for the taking of life with impunity ; or detain without trial ; or prohibit marriage .
26 If you are a parent it is almost certain that your increased awareness of the value of dietary fibre will start to influence the foods you provide for the family — and thus their habits and preferences in the future .
27 They also give the Commissioners power to remove the person appointed and provide for him to make reports to the Commissioners .
28 Voluntary arrangements under the terms of Part VIII of the Insolvency Act 1986 provide for individuals a procedure akin to that which administration provides for companies .
29 The accounting policies note states that certain US subsidiaries of Tomkins provide for post-retirement benefits other than pensions .
30 Law Society rules provide for the way client money held by a solicitor should be accounted for , and the rules currently require solicitors to submit an annual accountant 's report .
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