Example sentences of "arrived at " in BNC.

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1 When she first arrived at SIS as a student , Anne had an affair with some chap in her year and when it broke up , she decided she wanted to leave .
2 The train arrived at Berkhamsted station .
3 When I arrived at the station , I took the next train back to London .
4 We arrived at Harwich Parkeston Quay .
5 When I arrived at the counter I asked for Katrina .
6 Railway stations are almost home to me now , I realized , when I eventually arrived at Victoria .
7 When she arrived at the bus station she saw on the wall behind her bold , splashy writing in foreign characters , Arabic maybe or Urdu , and small , disordered scribbles around the glass faces of the timetables , which , although an irritation , caused Rita no real pain .
8 Tom arrived at twenty to eight — on schedule for his daily journey from London .
9 That evening Don arrived at Amanda 's flat just before eight .
10 By the time he arrived at Amanda 's he was ready to drop .
11 She arrived at work at a quarter to nine and went straight to the studio .
12 She threw all of them away except one , then realised how silly and significant it would be to arrive on his doorstep with one daffodil ; she tucked it into the contents of an overflowing litter bin and arrived at Alan 's empty-handed .
13 Not too shattered when they arrived at the cottage to propose a round of Trivial Pursuit .
14 Roger arrived at her elbow with more wine and a further introduction .
15 There is something reflexive rather than rational , automatic rather than deliberative , circumscribed and autonomous rather than holistic about parsing a sentence such as ‘ She met John before Mary arrived at the airport ’ in the way we do ( with the pronoun she not referring to Mary but to some other female ) .
16 At about high noon we arrived at Coney Island and approached the boardwalk .
17 Initially in awe of the craftsmanship of his predecessors Edward Hopkins arrived at this relatively simple design ( left and below ) .
18 Class 50 locomotive No 50041 Bulwark arrived at Paddington station on its side !
19 When the Royalist army arrived at Worcester 's oldest pub , the Cardinal 's Hat , they were refreshed with pints of a special 1042° gravity beer , ‘ His Majesty 's Royal Celebration Ale ’ , brewed by Jolly Roger .
20 The first thing I noticed as we arrived at the famous pot was a fixed caving rope leading down into the dark abyss , and I could n't resist scrambling across to peer in .
21 From a different position , independently arrived at and much less troubling , the animus was to be shared lifelong by Robert Graves .
22 In hard hats and protective glasses , we walked past the huge ‘ fume cupboard ’ where the most noxious barrels are opened , and arrived at the vast , closed mouth of the furnace itself .
23 CANBERRA RAIDERS arrived at Old Trafford yesterday with a complaint .
24 We arrived at the little house in the evening and already there were a few people there .
25 He arrived at the conference hall after having a Campaign Group leaflet thrust into his hand .
26 The Englishman arrived at the FIA headquarters in Place de la Concorde yesterday morning accompanied by his manager , Mike Francis , the Ferrari team manager , Cesare Fiorio , the team 's lawyer , Henry Peter , and a representative of the Italian Automobile Federation , Fabrizio Serena .
27 Canberra arrived at Old Trafford at the end of a hard season , and their tiredness , inevitably compounded by travel fatigue , dictated their match plan .
28 He thus arrived at his city 's University in the Depression , well primed for encounters there with the suspect notions of Eliot , Pound and T E Hulme .
29 Jose Ramon , a new chef who arrived at the Guernica two months ago , will hopefully maintain these high standards .
30 Worthing , the league champions two seasons ago , had a 110-101 victory over the Birmingham Bullets , who are severely under strength after losing Stuart Ruckledge to glandular fever and the American Kevin Brown , who arrived at Heathrow last week without a valid work permit .
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