Example sentences of "whereas the " in BNC.

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1 I am afraid that by taking the extraordinary measure of stapling this report ‘ because some of the contents are so disturbing ’ , Amnesty has again given credence to the belief that recent torture in Kuwait has been more terrible than in any other part of the world , whereas the repugnant patterns of pain-infliction described are all too familiar from Iran , from Myanmar , Amin 's Uganda , a South America , South Africa etc .
2 They are a reality , whereas the guerrillas are only a dream — phantasmagorical .
3 The technique required in presenting characters from these plays is usually more delicate than can be achieved in a first audition , whereas the work of Tom Stoppard , David Hare and Barry Keefe ( for example ) is more easily grasped by the young actor .
4 In fact , whereas the parallel protestant movement of evangelical revival was for all people , and the issue tended to be decisive , catholic spirituality diverged on both points .
5 Both Church of Ireland and presbyterian political ethics in the North are supportive of the union and the forces of law and order , whereas the sects have a more flexible respect for state authority .
6 Why we feel comfortable with such art , however grotesque , whereas the greatest art always leaves us a little bit uncomfortable , as though the earth we stood on had given a sudden lurch .
7 Whereas the parachute keeps the cable under tension as it drops , if there is a cross wind it tends to drift much more than a rope with no chute .
8 They have been inferring that applying the opposite rudder has been the cause of reversing the spin , whereas the real cause of this happening must be the failure to unstall the wings .
9 Whereas the inexperienced glider pilot needs to fly at least once a month to be safe , more experienced pilots can go much longer without always becoming badly out of practice .
10 Above all , you have nothing to lose , whereas the élite performer has .
11 This will not do , for it is no different from saying that when one experiences ‘ red ’ one thinks or conceives of the colour , whereas the point of the theory was to explain what such thinking , or conceiving , is .
12 The scientist has essentially separate pieces of information , whereas the subject has a sort of Gestalt .
13 One authority supports elderly residents solely in voluntary establishments , whereas the other uses a combination of private and voluntary provision .
14 As to state of mind , Raskolnikov lives with his own continuously but inspects it only intermittently , like the rest of us ; whereas the author surveys the whole truth the whole time , so that we never find him wondering whether perhaps Raskolnikov is thinking this or perhaps he is thinking that : a fact which isolates Crime and Punishment among the mature novels , because elsewhere Dostoevsky loves the unsettled and unsettling narrative posture of ‘ perhaps ’ , particularly with his contracting and dilating collective voice , the ‘ we ’ swept by rumour and speculation which arrives in The House of the Dead and reaches its full flowering in The Possessed .
15 Translators have ‘ would you kill ? ’ here , but Dostoevsky uses the future tense for the officer , whereas the student 's ‘ I would kill ’ is genuinely in the conditional .
16 ‘ Our club ’ presumably overlaps while being smaller than ‘ the best circles ’ of this society , whereas the ‘ they ’ of ‘ the whole town ’ is sometimes , but only sometimes , the ‘ we ’ of ‘ our town ’ ; and ‘ our group ’ which springs out of ‘ my ’ special relationship with Stepan Verkhovensky and which gathers round Mrs Stavrogin , Nicholas 's mother and Stepan 's patroness , is different again and again overlapping ; and the ‘ all ’ buried inside the phrase ‘ our ‘ old man ’ — as we all used to call Stepan Trofimovich among ourselves ’ is probably though not certainly synonymous with this ‘ group ’ ; while Dostoevsky delights in sly collective evocations like ‘ civic grief ’ and in parcellings-out like ‘ the poorest expectant mothers of the town ’ , and in fouling the whole snobbish provincial nest with such carefully calculated absurdities as ‘ almost the whole town , that is of course the entire top stratum of our society ’ .
17 Real-time applications used to require coding exclusively in assembly language whereas the house keeping tasks could be coded in C. But now that the practices of software engineering are coming to bear on DSP projects , the emphasis is on a system approach ensuring quality becomes an intrinsic aspect of design .
18 There is a further factor that feminists have drawn attention to , which is that the majority of students of English are women , whereas the majority of academics teaching it are male , and that the female students have a built-in deference to male teachers and to the minority of male students .
19 Marjorie Perloff has remarked that young American academics and students have a shared culture based on having read or studied the same books : ‘ they have , by and large , taken courses that expose them to writers like Freud , Nietzsche , and Marx , whereas the odds are that they have not taken a course in , say , the lyric poetry of Goethe , the fiction of Stendhal , or the theatre of Molière . ’
20 The right sort of literary experience can be like a nuclear explosion , whereas the ‘ human expressiveness ’ that Scholes detects in the humblest graffito is more like the low-level radioactivity that is always present in the natural environment .
21 And although the Tude has plants in its waters , I am reluctant to believe that any of them are lilies ; for Chalais has suffered from the twentieth century as Aubeterre has not , and the Tude is polluted whereas the Dronne runs clear .
22 To confirm this we have to pause and look back from the road to Aubeterre as it climbs the eastern slope of the valley of the Tude , just as Pound must have paused in 1911 ; and then we see that , whereas the modern town of Chalais is in the river bottom , old Chalais , a manorial village grouped round the gate of the château , does indeed stand on the ridge behind , so that the tops of the tallest poplars by the river wave just below the walls of the château .
23 At its most ludicrous , this makes the ‘ Envoi ’ to Hugh Selwyn Mauberley suspect , or worse than suspect , simply because it alludes to Edmund Waller , whereas the okay authors from Waller 's period , among pedestrian readers of Eliot 's essays , are taken to be Donne and Marvell .
24 As his later disastrous interventions in politics would make clear , he was a realist in quite a simple-minded sense , one who was concerned for public life , and believed ( like activists of the Left ) that a poet had the right and the duty to act in and upon that life quite directly ; whereas the oddly distant weariness of Eliot 's political pronouncements , even when he was most engagé as editor of True Criterion , revealed a man for whom the psychological reality of private torments took priority over any reality which announced itself as social and public .
25 You say that 01 for London has approval from the IBA to look for sponsorship whereas The South Bank Show does not .
26 Berger sets this story up by saying : ‘ Sometimes to refute a single sentence it is necessary to tell a life story ’ : one villager mistakenly claims that ‘ Boris died like one of his own sheep , neglected and starving ’ , whereas the admittedly ill-tended flock was in fact killed by lightning .
27 A 1985 Lancia Y10 ( lead only ) sells for around £2,000 whereas the similar Fiat Uno 55 from the same year , converted to run on unleaded , is worth around £500 more .
28 However , the Nabisco first prize is £280,000 , whereas the Volvo top purse is only £66,000 , although that could be doubled if he is also the order of merit winner .
29 Second , whereas the government 's social policy extols the virtues of targeting benefits and subsidies to where they will do most good , there is no parallel targeting to ensure that interest rate policy will bear only on those aspects of the economy which increase inflationary pressure .
30 They had wanted an outright victory leading to the expulsion of all ‘ fundamentalists ’ , whereas the document allows everyone to join the new party .
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