Example sentences of "caused by " in BNC.

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1 AIDS ( Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ) is a condition caused by a virus called HIV ( Human Immuno Deficiency Virus ) .
2 They felt that it was partly their responsibility to bring up their children in an atmosphere of knowledge and understanding of protestants , as they believed part of the difficulties of life in Ulster were caused by this lack of contact .
3 It is quite rare to have an accident directly caused by some kind of technical failure .
4 Sometimes these accidents are caused by laziness , but more often they are the result of someone not realising the significance of doing things the right way .
5 This was caused by a combination of a very strong gust and the fact that no one was keeping the nose down while the glider was being towed into wind .
6 This is a slow launch which picks up speed and fades several times , and it is usually caused by a shortage of fuel or mechanical trouble on the winch or car .
7 Stalling on the actual approach is usually caused by failing to monitor the airspeed regularly , or by failing to react to its indications .
8 Additional yawing caused by the excess use of the rudder in a turn will make the wing-drop much sharper .
9 In this case the necessary yawing movement is caused by the high drag of the badly stalled wing .
10 There is no doubt that many of the serious stall/spin accidents are caused by poor planning which leads to situations involving difficult manoeuvring near the ground , putting the pilots under stress so that they make mistakes or fly badly enough to stall and spin in .
11 Many incidents and accidents are caused by lack of experience and the pilot unwittingly putting himself into situations beyond his capabilities .
12 This is caused by poor basic training and not thinking ahead .
13 The instructor should encourage the pilot to talk through his thoughts aloud to find out whether not using the airbrakes is caused by failing to realise the glider is too high or by not being quick enough to decide and act .
14 Over the years there have been a number of fatal towplane accidents caused by gliders getting too high and jerking the towplane into a steep dive .
15 Over the years there have been innumerable accidents and incidents caused by the airbrakes opening in flight .
16 Drink plenty of liquids to avoid fluid loss caused by sweating .
17 AIDS is a life-threatening medical condition caused by a virus known as HIV .
18 Shingles is caused by the virus that causes chickenpox : the varicella zoster virus .
19 Thrush is caused by a yeast infection .
20 Sometimes depression is caused by circumstances .
21 For most it 's a temporary phase , caused by a variety of factors — not least tiredness .
22 The inherent dilemma caused by movement is encapsulated in this fieldnote .
23 A correct shout emanates from the diaphragm and is caused by a general muscular contraction accompanying the punch .
24 It is particularly common amongst ex-judo players , and may be caused by an awkward fall .
25 Cuts are not common in karate competition though , on occasions , a cut eyelid may be caused by the opponent 's long toenails .
26 The final injury I want to talk about is brain damage caused by a hard blow to the head .
27 If you fight on after sustaining a head injury and then receive a further blow to the head , the damage caused by the initial impact will be multiplied several times over !
28 The tendency of the mind to move from one thing to another has to consist in the straightforward fact that one thing usually follows , or is caused by , the other ; the tendency or association can not be thought of as some experienced feature of the situation without reviving the original situation of having an unanalysed conception of the mind 's ability to reach out and apprehend things .
29 Let us now consider the class of mental processes which are not perspective-takings of this kind , which are , in some sense , directly caused by proximal stimuli .
30 Given that there are good correlations between the two , this would imply that they are both being caused by a third , unidentified event .
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