Example sentences of "past one " in BNC.

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1 It 's past one o'clock . ’
2 Twenty past one .
3 This time she would have to get past one of Australia 's toughest talent spotters , a woman with a reputation for making or breaking young stars .
4 Then I go to Wendling 's , where I again compose a little until half past one , when we have lunch .
5 I was sailing the Pacific , or a character in a surrealist painting ; often I was walking over the red shale past one football pitch after another , with goal-posts stretching as far as the eye could see , like white crosses over the fields of Arnhem .
6 I was tired and thirsty and my shin was ablaze , but I could not stop : on , on , on — through a pool of sand — past one dead cow and then another — race across shingle to hit more sand and sink deep — turn backwards — heave , jerk , shout — firm ground again — race into sand — kick the wheelbarrow for its stupidity — stop , heave — trip and fall — get up and heave again — fall face down — spit sand — up and on again .
7 The one upholstered in blue left Euston at 1.30 pm ; the other left Glasgow at the same hour and they flashed past one another at Preston to reach Glasgow simultaneously at 8 pm .
8 And who has not zipped past one of the BSM Mini Metros and fondly recalled their own experience of chronic problems with clutch control , seven point turns and botched emergency stops ?
9 I 've promised to meet my cousin at that Inn on the Point at half past one .
10 I remember the undertaker asking if anyone wanted to see her before she was screwed down and the people filing past one by one , their heads bowed .
11 Mrs Stych came in at half past one , her wings bedraggled from the weight of her coat .
12 It was half past one before they got back to Rose Cottage and there was no denying a brisk long country walk built up the appetite .
13 Thus the hermeneutic moment makes critical thought possible ; as long as the phenomenon of ‘ talking past one another ’ is not overcome , criticism remains imprisoned in a solipsistic self certainty , and the consequence of this condition
14 But at a quarter past one Sister Benedicta took over .
15 My watch said twenty past one .
16 After almost seven hours at the crease , and gallingly at one minute past one , when the sniff of lunch was everywhere , Gooch fell .
17 She reached out and turned the clock towards her , blinking at the small ornate face , attempting to focus on the figures , trying to work out if it was twenty past twelve or twenty past one , finally deciding it was the earlier hour .
18 By now it was past one o'clock .
19 At half past one Geoffrey confided he was worried about Dawn Allenby .
20 At half past one the men got up and checked their equipment , gathering several sticks as well .
21 It must be observed that only with difficulty and in a highly tentative manner can one find common ground between the theories discussed here ; in this conversation the participants are talking past one another .
22 It was Twomey 's appalled stare downwards , past one great , creamy heap to another , that concentrated Nicandra 's shocked observance .
23 The track wound past one last stand of trees , then petered out as it reached a wide , open space at the top of the hill .
24 To her surprise , he turned the wheel towards the channel leading to the island , and as they motored slowly past one of the enormous posts she saw a name-plate on it .
25 Deeper into the prison they walked , past one open chamber where the limbs of quartered men lay like joints of meat on a butcher 's stall , waiting to be soaked with salt and cumin seed before being tarred .
26 And we 'd be pouting away and arriving about five minutes past one and then we 'd be in for trouble then .
27 I can hear her breathing and the sound of her monstrous thighs struggling past one another .
28 And we 'll do the whole lot altogether the er traffic and the trains and planes in full every day on the county 's favourite at ten past one .
29 You 're listening to B B C Radio Nottingham news it 's coming up to five past one .
30 Ten past one traffic and trains and planes at lunchtime .
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