Example sentences of "offered [art] " in BNC.

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1 Baird was there for a further two years before leaving in 1987 with chef Barry Forster , who had been offered the position of head chef at Longueville Manor on Jersey .
2 Baird then returned to the mainland after two years to work as sous chef under Brian Baker at Hambleton Hall , Leicestershire , before being offered the head chef 's job at Longueville himself 12 months later .
3 At the Police Staff College shortly before I was offered the scholarship to university , I had listened as lists of degrees obtained by previous scholars were read out .
4 Not only had Saints offered the Canberra captain a lucrative contract , McIntyre said , they had asked him to canvass his team-mates as well .
5 According to Commission sources , the US negotiators have recently offered the EC 7 per cent of the market in a new agreement to run for two and a half years .
6 This is believed to be Eddy Shah , the media entrepreneur who has claimed he was offered the Edwards shares for £16m .
7 Three days later Haslam was being interviewed for a job at ICI and he was offered the chance to become a technical services engineer in the Nobel Division , an offer he snapped up immediately .
8 Having been denied their statutory right as British citizens to enter Britain , those East African Asians who were actually being kicked out of East Africa were offered the chance to queue for quota vouchers for entry to Britain .
9 Meredith claimed he had offered the bribe on behalf of the manager and that the players were to be offered a team bonus of £100 if they won the League .
10 AIl five have been offered the vacancies they wanted : one to be a military policewoman , another a driver , the third to train as an administrative assistant , While the other two are destined to be a staff clerk and a telecommunications operator .
11 Mr Ben Ali had indicated some softening of his position towards the fundamentalists in an interview with visiting Arab journalists on Monday , saying that they had been offered the chance to open their own newspaper .
12 Chuter was widely expected to be offered the new position , and Spracklen believes that his offer to take it on unpaid was ‘ an embarrassment ’ to the ARA .
13 Lindsay , who said that he had no idea he would be offered the job , pledged his support to Reilly , saying that he was ‘ firmly behind the decision to ask Malcolm to continue as he is obviously the best man for the job ’ .
14 Lindsay , who said that he had no idea he would be offered the job , pledged his support to Reilly , saying that he was ‘ firmly behind the decision to ask Malcolm to continue as he is obviously the best man for the job ’ .
15 That is six times the number to be offered the right of abode in the government 's package .
16 This year , he had been offered the same opportunity , but at twice the price .
17 Recent surveys find 80% of Americans in favour , though the proportion drops when they are offered the alternative of a life imprisonment that genuinely means for life .
18 Now Mr Hussein has offered the Kurds the autonomy they had been prepared to fight and die for .
19 It was during his second year at Manchester that he was offered the West Indies captaincy for the visit by Pakistan , but decided that his studies had to come first ; he had a strong sense of predestination and apparently felt that the leadership would be his eventually .
20 When he returned from the tour of Australia , Worrell was offered the position of Warden at Irvine Hall , part of the University of the West Indies in Kingston .
21 Other European farmers are now being offered the service and that could help to reduce the rates UK farmers are charged .
22 So most of the 750 or so who have emerged victorious from their motel weekend over the last decade are condemned , like the Ancient Mariner , to spend their lives trailing around the country , telling their tale to uninterested local Conservative worthies in the hope they 'll be offered the honour of fighting the seat .
23 Indeed , his record was intrinsic to his being offered the job , since at the time ( 1975 ) , the BBC was short of governors with political experience .
24 North said he would have offered the Iranians a free trip to Disneyland or a ride on the space shuttle ; George Cave , the interpreter , offered to send the Second Channel to Miami Beach .
25 My own plans are still totally up in the air , except that I am sure to resume my work when the new season gets underway — and then I am just going to make music wherever I am offered the best conditions for it .
26 Bruno Walter was there and afterwards I was offered the post of first kapellmeister ; but I had to say , frankly I am better off in Aachen .
27 Furtwängler died in November 1954 and you were offered the orchestra .
28 Indeed , Berry was offered the Brooklyn pastorate after Beecher 's death but declined it .
29 If the fans had been given their choice , Mel Machin , then at Manchester City , would have been offered the job .
30 Since Robert Graves wrote The White Goddess — an example Hughes acknowledges — nobody has offered the goddess so intricate a tribute .
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