Example sentences of "provide a " in BNC.

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1 To help provide a local response to a global problem .
2 The design of interiors … are as valid today as they were in earlier times — the vaults , snugs , parlours , each with their own character , can still provide a pleasant , varied atmosphere ’ .
3 EMTB development manager Andrew Keeling said the survey 's findings would provide a background to a regional tourism strategy to be published in March 1992. * Look out for ‘ Mind your language ’ in Caterer , 12–18 September .
4 The very word ‘ Mystery ’ could not provide a much heavier clue , and I am bold to assert that Agatha Christie 's inspiration to write mysteries featuring Hercule Poirot sprang directly from her reading of the following extract from the Harrogate Third Shepherd 's Pay in the Hull Cycle ( ‘ as it hath been divers time acted by the Guild of Chandlers and Gardners upon the Feast of Corpus Christie , ) :
5 ’ . It should come as no surprise , therefore , to find that a well-disciplined human body with clearly defined parameters of correctness will provide a symbolic mirror of the preferred police social formation in which the human condition can be enacted .
6 The doctor may provide a leaflet explaining how to register the death and should be able to advise where to do so .
7 For older people at home , voluntary organisations such as Age Concern may provide a wide range of services and activities , both to help look after older people with care needs , and to provide day centres , for example , where people may meet others with similar needs or interests .
8 There is evidence from America that costing by ‘ Diagnosis Related Group ’ may provide a disincentive to offering support and aftercare to elderly people , as average figures for ‘ cost per case ’ may not take into account the higher costs incurred by some elderly people who need longer recovery times or more aftercare .
9 For non-troglodytes , with a penchant for the unusual , the trip can provide a memorable experience .
10 Roland Smith has provided us with a fascinating and interesting book that should whet the appetite of many hill walkers and will certainly provide a wealth of useful background information when planning a walk to some of the ‘ Great Viewpoints ’ of Britain .
11 And sand will provide a stable base providing rainwater can not reach it .
12 Your council will only provide a Building Regulations Approval Notice when Full Plans are deposited , so you will have to use this method .
13 This will not only make the hinge or latch work evenly but will provide a medium in which any existing rust is worn away and any future rust is prevented .
14 The Lookalike competition could also provide a chance for using your imagination .
15 Some members want the IEE now to use more muscle , with threats of expulsion from the Institution , if Thomson does not at least provide a catalogue of the material he has collected and give rock solid guarantees on its long term security , after his death .
16 He is , in fact , a rare surviving embodiment of those long-vanished ideals of the 1950s , when it briefly seemed that University English might provide a terrain where all these practices could converge .
17 Cultural Studies would provide a more productive environment for the radical aca-English Departments , who have conspicuous energy and intelligence , but little literary sensibility or aesthetic interests .
18 Indeed , such an academic structure might provide a good opportunity for the exercise suggested by Graff , in which students ( many of whom would probably be women ) would consider a feminist anthology of women poets of the past , and discuss how far they are admissible into the existing poetic canon , and what theoretical criteria might govern such admission .
19 This current feeling for the past might provide a way in adult classes of shifting the emphasis from popular modern writing to earlier literature .
20 There is no reason why York could not provide a site like other neighbouring authorities .
21 That stalemate might provide a private sector equivalent of the Government 's golden share .
22 STERLING 'S fortunes are riding on hopes that Nigel Lawson will provide a clear signal for the timing of Britain 's full membership of the European Monetary System next Thursday despite his omission of the issue in yesterday 's speech to the Conservative Party conference and a later denial that any announcement was pending .
23 This could provide a clue as to the bombers ' whereabouts between 16 September and the bombing , which killed 10 bandsmen .
24 The coming parliamentary session will provide a momentous opportunity for public debate on a matter of deep moral significance .
25 The ERM could provide a stronger framework for the maintenance of a stable currency .
26 It should not be assumed , however , that an analysis of the incomes per capita of various countries or regions will provide a precise measure of the market potential of each ; income is a useful indicator , but it does not provide the full picture .
27 Some libertarians ( though not perhaps Mill himself ) hoped that such freedom would have consequent advantages : that it would provide a safety valve for dissent , encourage full expression of both majority and minority opinions , allow truth to drive out error , and provide some check on arbitrary misrule .
28 Although the new Broadcasting Bill stipulates that these stations will provide a varied diet of programmes , the best bet is that one will feature primarily classical music , the second will have a pop/rock music base , while the third is likely to be an American-style ‘ talk ’ station .
29 So the poet recreates his strength in the tradition , which can provide a refuge and a strength , yet which can also appear founded on emptiness .
30 He could countenance violence and killing , if only they might provide a way out of the taedium vitae which formed his spiritual landscape .
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