Example sentences of "steps [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 She returned to the formal garden and paced its perimeter several times , counting her steps to see if the number would be the same on each circuit ; but it was n't .
2 We are then in a better position to take steps to see that it is achieved .
3 ‘ The ball belongs to us , ’ whined Willie Allan 's letter , ‘ and if it does n't turn up we will take steps to see that it does .
4 I backed up several steps to see
5 If you will not — if so , I shall take steps to see that you do ; there are two partners in marriage .
6 You 'd do something more likely to reap a financial return , such as throw it off the top of Blackpool Tower in a Force Nine gale and run down the 763 steps to see if you could catch any of it before it blew away .
7 But the equitable principles established by the authorities require , in my judgment , that creditors who take from married women security for their husband 's debts take reasonable steps to see that they understand the transactions they are entering into .
8 ‘ The manufacturers owed a duty to anyone who should handle the machine to take reasonable steps to see that it was safe .
9 Some 40 producers of religious television programmes from 16 countries in Eastern and Western Europe have agreed on practical steps to stimulate the production and exchange of high quality worship services in Europe .
10 The effects of the wartime blockade led the government under Lloyd George to take steps to stimulate home food production by offering price guarantees to farmers ; and as a quid pro quo to the unions the government also promised to establish a statutory minimum wage , to be negotiated by central and district wages boards .
11 They might find themselves having to issue a succession of fixed-term contracts to each worker , and having to take steps to include in these contracts provisions for their premature termination .
12 If necessary the head must take steps to enable the parent to understand the Regulation .
13 Rule 5 — 30(1) provides that a firm must not recommend a transaction to a private customer or act as a discretionary manager unless it has taken reasonable steps to enable the private customer to understand the nature of the risks involved .
14 recommend a transaction to a private customer , or effect a discretionary transaction with or for him , unless it has taken all reasonable steps to enable the customer to understand the risks involved ; or
15 Under that Rule , the party confirming that the resources are available will not be expected to produce the cash itself provided , in giving the confirmation , it acted responsibly and took all reasonable steps to assure itself that the cash was available .
16 If the new firm is able to accept instructions , it must take all proper steps to erect the " Chinese Wall " to preserve the confidentiality of the client 's affairs : the stringency and complexity of this pretty well rules out any possibility that instructions could be accepted from more than one of the clients involved .
17 Many of the children in care were young , and unless positive steps to plan for their future were taken , they would continue like the older children in their sample to wait for lengthy periods in care .
18 The operators manipulate the relations using a series of steps to perform the user 's requirements .
19 The British government took decisive steps to disrupt any threat from Sweden .
20 The signalman went down the steps to search for signs of the visitor but there was no one about .
21 India takes steps to conserve Himalayas
22 Stronger sex and race discrimination laws will ensure that organisations awarded government contracts take positive steps to promote equal treatment .
23 The University has already taken steps to promote this growth and the Department will play the major role in these activities .
24 The University has already taken steps to promote this growth and the Department will play the major role in these activities .
25 We are more conscious than ever of the need to take positive steps to promote the full access of girls and women not only to full educational opportunities but also to the whole range of community resources and services , including employment , leisure , housing , social security and the right to property .
26 Certainly , so far as we can see , he took no steps to promote the interests of his younger son , apart from not insisting that he take the cross .
27 The same paper on the same day also reported that American manufacturers were urging the Bush administration to ‘ ease the US domestic recession by taking more vigourous steps to promote exports ’ .
28 The Government have taken a number of steps to promote the provision of affordable homes for exactly the people whom the hon. Gentleman mentions .
29 Under the terms of their licences , the newly privatised regional electricity companies must take steps to promote the efficient use of their fuels .
30 Noting that the EC central bank proposed by Delors would not be accountable to elected governments , Major proposed instead to build on to Stage 1 further steps to promote convergence of economic performance , low inflation and stable exchange rates by building up the existing EC currency , the ECU .
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