Example sentences of "believe [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I mean , even if there had been some war I did believe worth fighting , if I 'd been called up or something , I 'm a coward , I 'm just not physically capable .
2 Whatever we may believe about diet , the only clear-cut ‘ rule ’ , as far as I see it , is that our food should be as free as possible from harmful additives and the toxic residues of modern farming methods — no easy task nowadays .
3 The other way , then , is to place an a priori constraint on what a rational man can believe about his world .
4 I now say : that to talk about perceived-as appearances , and to talk about what , on looking at things , listening to them , and so on , we would believe about them if we had no reason to think otherwise , are to talk about one and the same thing .
5 Whatever novelists may believe about the universe , they do not demand of their readers a formal belief in God or the Devil , or in the forces of history , and the tolerances they expect are wide .
6 Whatever you may think or believe about my mother , you must understand that . ’
7 I do n't believe for one minute that the majority of your readers are male , nor that the majority of riders are male .
8 I ca n't believe for one minute that Perry would really give it up to be a video director .
9 I do not believe for a moment that , with unemployment heading towards three million , the benefits would be significantly dissipated by higher inflation , any more than were the benefits of depreciation in the early 1980s .
10 ‘ You can be certain they hope for that but I do n't believe for a moment they expect it .
11 His leader did not believe for one moment the protestations of innocence .
12 ‘ Do n't believe for a second that those markets exist in the same fashion these days . ’
13 ‘ I do n't believe for one minute I 'd have been the saviour , but I 'd have loved the chance to make a contribution in my country 's hour of need .
14 And I do n't believe for one moment that you could have been ignorant of the fact that she was wealthy .
15 You do n't believe for a minute that this government will stand by while the two biggest general unions get together , no way , they 'll attack us in any way they can and I warn ya they have n't run out of ideas yet .
16 What she does not do is believe for one moment that Rainbow has been possessed by some kind of demon .
17 Nevertheless , I do not believe for one moment — I made this point on enough occasions to the hon. Member for Antrim , East ( Mr. Beggs ) — that , if we had not given potential investors the opportunity to buy a power station that could be converted to gas , there would have been much hope of bringing a gas pipeline to Northern Ireland .
18 I do not believe for a moment that in the future we shall allow millions of our fellow-countrymen , through no fault of their own , to pass through life ill-housed , ill-clothed , ill-fed , ill-educated .
19 Well for most we try and work a Shorthorn for I think that the Shorthorn and the black bull is the true traditional cattle you know maybe and I do n't believe for one minute that the the cattle would be any better if you had a lot of Limousins or something else .
20 ‘ I do n't believe for a minute that you have no intention of making love to me .
21 ‘ And you did n't believe for a minute that I would agree and that 's why you said it .
22 Never in the history of their friendship had Candy given up so easily — and she did n't believe for one split second she had now .
23 One may believe of God that God is equally available to people in all times and places .
24 Again I can not believe of Jesus Christ that he is related to God in a way which is qualitatively different from that of all other human beings .
25 What do we believe of the connections between such a set , which we may call a causal circumstance , and the effect ?
26 A man by the name , would you believe of Doctor John Bull .
27 He did n't believe like his Mum , that Lee had been making trouble , knocking and then running off .
28 ‘ Oh , Mum , I wish I could believe like you , ’ Anne exclaimed .
29 I know I could n't believe like the extent of the different meats that
30 No , I do not believe in the audition system .
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