Example sentences of "smiled [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The big , soft and pliable American smiled nervously .
2 Miriam smiled nervously .
3 Willie smiled nervously and leaned with his back against the counter to look at the other materials .
4 He smiled nervously .
5 She pulled back and smiled nervously .
6 The girl smiled nervously .
7 The husband smiled nervously and said he was fine .
8 She smiled nervously .
9 She smiled nervously at Sergeant Phyllis Henley , who had been kind to her at the time of their parents ' ungainly departure from life , but uncompromising .
10 Mr Multhrop smiled nervously .
11 He smiled nervously .
12 She smiled nervously as she looked back at him and seemed about to say something , then , instead , leaned forward to kiss him .
13 Maltote smiled nervously and , led by Ranulf , left the tavern for a night of revelling .
14 The Watch smiled nervously .
15 Robyn smiled nervously .
16 So I smiled nervously and slammed him in the mouth with the metal box , trying to kick him in the groin as he sagged , but his heavy overcoat protected him well .
17 Three elderly French accordionists eased sideways through the door , smiled nervously , and played conflicting chords .
18 She smiled nervously , and ( for Lewis ) bewitchingly , and ( for Morse ) heart-eatingly .
19 UN officials smiled uneasily at this new example of the prince 's sense of fun .
20 Everyone burst out laughing and Joanie smiled uneasily .
21 Ianthe smiled uneasily , feeling that some kind of guessing game was being played between them and that she ought to play her part by making a suggestion as to what the work could have been .
22 He climbed down and smiled thricely through the windscreen .
23 With unashamed interest , he studied her anxious , freshly scrubbed face , and she found herself responding to the arrival at last of his faint , elusive smile , her limpid eyes softening with warmth because she knew instinctively that he smiled rarely and that she was privileged .
24 Whenever a man smiled at him he smiled right back .
25 He smiled right through her .
26 She walked rather than ran , smiled rather than laughed out loud , dropped her eyes instead of staring frankly .
27 I smiled rather malevolently at Masha , who lay on a bed , her chin cupped in her hand .
28 But he smiled rather overpoweringly at the Gnomes , and said that : no , they would not dream of asking them to make such a journey , so hard on the heels of their march in from Gallan .
29 He smiled rather sardonically .
30 Jenna smiled rather wanly and went to take a shower .
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