Example sentences of "bring [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Naturally God is displeased with the sin in our life , but he has the power to translate even sinful experiences into something that will bring glory to him .
2 The official said that the cuts would " bring difficulty to the whole economy " and stated that the government was looking for private foreign companies to become involved in joint ventures in an attempt to reduce the country 's budget deficit .
3 By training one local villager we can bring change to a whole community .
4 .. our task in this parliament is to create the force powerful enough to remove the Tories ; to assemble the policies capable of sustaining a different government ; and to draw together the forces in Britain which will bring change and reform . ’
5 For those who did not marry or emigrate , the war might bring change of a different kind .
6 ‘ I 've known about Paul for some time and he should bring experience and stability to our midfield , ’ said Derry manager Roy Coyle .
7 The new season will also bring admission charge to Museum of Flight , £2 for adults and £1 children and concessions .
8 He says the important open area can not be replaced once it is lost , the scheme would severely damage the Richmond Conservation Area and would bring noise , disturbance and loss of environment to neighbours .
9 He projected the idea of the national leader , a man of moderation and common sense who could bring unity to all Americans .
10 Where there is despair , may we bring hope ’ .
11 How could you bring hope in ?
12 However , the Commission hopes that at least some of its reflections and recommendations may bring hope , encouragement and new ideas to those who are struggling .
13 Be that as it may , the editorial and short report will encourage the young doctors in question and will bring hope and faith in the fairness of the BMJ in drawing readers ' attention to this issue .
14 Allitt 's illness may bring trial to halt
15 Surely that 'll bring people back into the theatre it would obviously pay the artist it would also bring money into the theatre if the theatre could actually charged for them to do them .
16 Customary by the mid-thirteenth century , largely due to Innocent 's introduction of such a scheme , such taxes , however , did not bring money into the papal coffers but were granted to the leaders of the crusades , through there was a widespread belief that money collected for the Crusade by Philip the notary was doing exactly that , and in 1202 Innocent ordered an investigation .
17 Felix heard a Stirlander Greatsword say that such words would bring ill-luck .
18 Care is taken to teach the boy how to be a good observer and to reckon things by observation without counting them , as counting , especially of sheep , goats , cattle or people is considered as one of the gikuyu taboos , mogiro , and one which would bring ill-luck to the people or animals counted .
19 The most common serial port format is RS232 and , already , the sighs and groans can be heard as its mere mention can bring apoplexy to even the most experienced engineer .
20 ‘ Nothing will bring mum back anyway , ’ she said .
21 ‘ Anyway , that night they put a night-light in my room , in case I had nightmares , but the shadows were even worse than the darkness , and so I just lay there , under the covers , quivering with fear thanks to these damn dragons , and I wished Ken was back from University because sometimes I was allowed to sleep in his room , and I wished I was allowed a torch in my room , but I was n't , and I was wondering about crying really loudly , because that would bring mum and dad in to see me , but then what did I say was wrong ?
22 Reform will bring chaos a la russe , according to the leading West German expert on the GDR economy , Doris Cornelsen : ‘ But without reforms disaster looms anyway .
23 ‘ If we do not act then thousands more will come floating in on the early spring tides , maybe tens of thousands , even hundreds , and they will bring chaos and suffering on a scale far larger than anything we have seen so far , ’ he warned .
24 Flirtation with multi-party politics would bring chaos to Vietnam , they say .
25 Linked rail network ‘ can bring Euro-megalopolis
26 The SMMT calls for the total abolition of car tax , which it says would bring car prices into line with those in Europe .
27 The reduction in VAT from 22 p.c. to 18.6 p.c. from next Monday will bring car prices down by about 2.8 p.c .
28 Glass Glover will bring turnover of nearly £85 million to Wincanton 's sales of £210 million and operating profits which reached £5.5 million in the year to 3 October .
29 Unfortunately he found like others that even eminence in science did not automatically bring emolument , and in 1863 he contemplated moving to Manchester ; but Samuelson then came up with the proposal of producing a new Quarterly Journal of Science , which duly appeared in January 1864 under the editorship of Crookes and Samuelson .
30 Nisbet and Sadler ( 12 ) further point out that school closure may bring loss of employment , loss of rates through migration out of the district and loss of resources due to disinclination to develop together with decline of existing services such as transport .
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