Example sentences of "won over " in BNC.

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1 Do not be won over by Mr Franklin 's arithmetic .
2 Yet only twenty years later the Crucible Theatre in Sheffield was the focus of the attention of around twenty million viewers as Steve Davis was defeated on the final ball of the final frame by Dennis Taylor , who became the world champion in what The Times ( won over to ‘ popular culture ’ under its antipodean ownership ) declared to be a ‘ heart-stopping ’ match .
3 But their sons and grandsons were all won over to Christianity .
4 If the urban élites were largely won over to Christianity by about 430 , the masses had drifted into it even sooner .
5 Though the morale of the Party faithful had been temporarily resuscitated by Hitler 's rhetoric , it is clear that rhetoric alone was no longer sufficient to restore the confidence of the considerable sections of the population who had only superficially been won over in previous years by the magnitude of Hitler 's seemingly undeniable ‘ achievements ’ and who had suffered irreversible disillusionment since 1941–2 .
6 Maggie could n't help but be won over by this appeal on her mother 's behalf .
7 The increasing rapidity of the transatlantic crossing meant that the number of Americans who visited Paris increased steadily , many wealthy enough and important enough to penetrate high society and the Court , though not all of these visitors were won over .
8 And the chairman was won over by the manager 's charm , powerful persuasiveness and dynamism .
9 It was not only Sir Henry Norris who was won over by Chapman 's infectious optimism .
10 Even those of us in the office who had their doubts at first were soon won over by the instrument 's simplicity and friendliness .
11 16 NOT all Americans have been won over by Super Mario .
12 The Government needed control over the media , or to have that control in reserve , not only in order to prevent such support of minority interests but also to ensure that the vitally important class of entrepreneurs and middle-level professional executive people — whose loyalty was vital to the success of any government policy — should be won over to the cause or , at the very least , not be encouraged to oppose government policies .
13 Furthermore , BRAC 's apparent failure to recognise the village practitioners as potentially valuable allies who should be won over , should be considered insensitive .
14 Student Vivienne Wilson , 18 , from Purley , Surrey , said she would never be won over by a salesman — but a President would be another matter .
15 Surprisingly enough , Miki is not won over by this subtle approach straight from the Nigel Havers School of Charm .
16 The movies as a whole had to be moulded to suit middle-class notions of public respectability but meanwhile local battles had to be won in every town and city as sector by sector the wider public was to be won over .
17 The prestige audience would be won over by movies that could take their place alongside the middle-class novel and play .
18 If the assault proved successful , Egypt would no longer be vulnerable to attack ( the Turks had already sent a force to attempt to seize the Suez Canal ) and Turkey 's traditional enemies in the Balkans might be won over to the Allies .
19 With Ingres Corp and Informix Software Inc already won over to CAFS Content-Addressable File Store-based database Search Accelerator hardware , ICL says that Oracle Systems Corp has now signed to implement a version of its database for the system , while Sybase Inc is waiting in the wings to follow suit .
20 It is precisely among the eighteen to twenty-five years old electorate , which urgently needs to be won over to the Socialist cause before next year 's parliamentary elections , that Lang is the most popular Minister of the decade .
21 Preston 's playing is so vivacious , his enthusiasm for the music so stimulating and his obvious enjoyment in playing this marvellous instrument ( which the DG engineers have recorded with something well into the demonstration category ) so infectious that I doubt even the most dyed-in-the-wool hater of organ music could fail to be won over to the cause .
22 Jehan knew that many of the Khans had been won over to support of Artai principally by the knowledge that the probable alternative was civil war , and he shook his head angrily .
23 The most active elements of the intelligentsia are won over by personal privileges to the prevailing ideology as well as being subject to the prevalent intellectual control while the peasants are tied to the land by economic hardship imposed through short-term , small-unit landholding contracts ( such as sharecropping ) , which discourage capital investment .
24 Dexter found the effect comforting rather than disconcerting : he had been won over by the man 's charm .
25 Once he had been won over by Meistersinger , with its triumphant portrayal of genius .
26 Bayezid II was won over by Mueyyedzade 's arguments and not only appointed Kemalpasazade to the Taslik medrese but also charged him with writing a history of the Ottoman dynasty in Turkish to serve as a companion piece to that being written in Persian by Idris Bitlisi
27 From this point onwards the headteacher was completely won over .
28 ‘ But I do not believe you — and I am unlikely to be won over by repetition .
29 She could see in his eyes that he would not be won over .
30 ‘ And you should not ask me that , either , ’ said Sally-Anne , head erect , carriage proud , refusing to be won over .
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